01-06-2016, 10:20 AM
(01-06-2016, 07:37 AM)Alpha360 Wrote: That forum is pherotruth I got banned from there because I complained about a product and I doubted their forum. They call their forum truth. The admin over there MarkInDallas is one of the worst admin I ever saw. If you were complaining the same way you were complaining here they would have banned you long ago, like ages ago and this conversation wouldn't have existed.
This forum is the least censored I ever saw. They banned people when they are forced to do it.
We really only ban people if behavior gets toxic and doesn't de-escalate. We're all pretty anti-censorship although I'm probably the most extreme in that I don't like having threads locked or deleted. It pains me when users delete their own threads as sometimes it looks like we took them down which we almost never do. I only gave him a 2-week when my colleagues were leaning on permanent ban but that's why they asked me to make the call since I was not involved in the dispute. Having thoroughly looked at his posting history though, if he comes back after 2 weeks and continues to be toxic it will be permanent.
I was banned by "markindallas" too. Why? I posted on their forum. All it took

Andrew // Site Architect "Attack its weak point for massive damage" -Giant Enemy Crab