01-05-2016, 09:14 PM
(01-05-2016, 06:56 PM)Whisperer Wrote: EDIT: As a note, this refers to the script as it's currently been implemented in certain products. The new suggested script on page 6 of this thread addresses 99% of these issues and is in my opinion a quantum leap improvement. By the power vested in me by the Elders of the Internet, I hereby baptize that script the Morality Clause 2G.
Apart from us still being unable to comprehend the amount of work that goes into it, since we neither posses the necessary information or the required skillset for comprehension. But I'll leave that one up to Shannon. He obviously put some thought in it.
Now, on with the original post:
In the end, how you've framed it matters to the interpretation. It's still verbal communication, which is quite limited. So let's break it down a bit:
I now refuse to steal this program.
Too late, already stolen. Won't steal it again, though. And was I really stealing it? Maybe someone else did, they just made it available for my perusal. Next.
I now refuse to pirate or illegally copy, share, give away, distribute or profit from this program.
Okay, 9 out of 10 people have the same interpretation of the p-word hammered into us by the news, and a general idea what Shannon would consider legal and illegal as it pertains to his products. So this one works, I suppose.
I now try to understand, appreciate and value the time, skill, effort and cost that went into making this program.
This is a dubious one. In communicating with oneself, we learn that if you use the word 'try', you've just given yourself permission to fail. So the subconscious can easily ignore this if it wants. A better choice would be 'strive'.
Apart from that, a variation of this statement would be perfectly acceptable. Just give us a way to actually gain that understanding and to quantify the time, skill, effort and cost, or our mind will keep it as an un-resolvable command and it will leech our energy. The more secrets and mystery, the more difficult for us to follow up on it. It may even push us to keep asking the same annoying questions in the forum over and over again in a desperate effort to comprehend. Oops, too late.
I now know, accept, understand, believe, sense, feel, acknowledge and act upon the fact that it is wrong to break copyright law concerning this program, so I naturally refuse to break copyright law concerning this program.
Well, if you feel the need to, so be it. You really tried to get all the learning modalities included, didn't ya?
If I am using a pirated copy of this program, I now want, need and choose to either stop using it and delete all copies of it that I have, or do what it takes to pay for a legal copy.
Very strong phrasing, probably needs a buildup, a precedence for compliance. Otherwise it may hit some resistance.
I'd rather not see it, of course, but I understand its inclusion. However, if you give people the option of deleting all copies they have, why tell everyone their only path to redemption is purchase (and if their copy has been mass distributed they're f*cked for life)?
** Deal with naturalizer effects **
I am now consciously aware of all the positive effects this program has had and is having on me, and I attribute them all to this program.
Every time I read this, I get this circular feeling, a chicken and egg. Once you consciously link a behavioral shift to the program, you will proceed to attribute that effect to your usage of the program, which will reinforce your belief that it was the program that caused it, making you look for even more proof (which you will inevitably find, LoA-101), attributing that and so on and so on. It becomes a perpetual self-fulfilling prophecy.
The reason Justin keeps tripping over this one is probably because it feels off somehow. I agree, I wouldn't know how to fix it though. The intended message is valid, almost like a foundation to my earlier suggestion.
I now educate myself about the copyright laws affecting me and follow those copyright laws.
Should this be placed earlier? Also, to alleviate concerns previously mentioned, you might want to rewrite to follow copyright laws where they concern Shannon's products. It's very global now. I'm sure other copyright owners will be very appreciative for your effort in leading these misguided sheep to obey ALL copyright laws for EVERY product. This is the one previous posters were so scared of. YouTube will be an empty place when everyone has done your subs. Fortunately, it's not very forceful. Years of existing copyright infringements by the average user should be able to resist it autonomously.
There are two significant items to learn from the above script lines:
First, they almost all refer to this program. That means the code will logically not apply to the next program you do. If you were to obtain AM6 from alternate sources, the script would only apply to you in AM6. If you bought SM3 from Shannon, the AM6 script will not apply there. Of course, the only line that would not be acted upon would be the if-line. All standard paying customers will most certainly act on the other affirmations, proceed to inform themselves about copyright laws and feel an aversion to breaking such laws for everything under the sun, including - but not limited to - Shannon's products.
Second, it stands to reason that Shannon was exaggerating a bit when he indicated the script would be active if you only listened to the first 30 seconds. The odds are these particular script-lines have not been placed all the way at the start of the sessions. It's far more likely they get introduced somewhere around 15 minutes, when you've been softened up.
Oh, and Survivor, there probably are affirmations in the script that shift our state to believing something that isn't true yet in order to have it become true. That's just how your mind works. It may even be along the lines of 'I now realize that this program is already producing tangible and desired/expected results in my body, my mind, my environment and my life'
Why? Because Shannon doesn't know every tiny thing there is to know about for example being an Alpha Male. But your subconscious does, how else are you able to recognize one instinctively? The Alpha Code is written in our genes.
The above script is a shortcut that forces your subconscious to make you display Alpha behaviors, without the need to specify said behaviors. It has no choice, there's a discrepancy between the statement and your current behaviors. And like the highlander said: There can be only one. And that is the one you repeat to yourself most often. Guess which one that'll be...
By the way, if you want a nice example of copyright being abused, search for the lawsuit against Prelude to Axanar. It's sickening. They make almost a million in crowdfunding to produce a non-profit fan fiction movie like there have been so many before, and suddenly the studio demands 150k and a cut of the non-existent profits, claiming a violation of intellectual property laws. Duh, it's fan-fiction. Of course they'll try and make it look as close to the original as possible. Other such projects even hired the original actors (but they only raised a measly 300k). Where does that money go if they win? Not to the creation of new content, certainly not to any of the actors and people involved. Nope, it goes to the shareholders.
If you listen to a sub for 1 second then you've heard the whole script. It does not get introduced 15 minutes in. Every second that goes by, you've heard it. Shannon has said pirating one sub will affect the use of all subs, so you don't know what you're talking about.