12-29-2015, 11:01 AM
Hope everyone had a good xmas
Wanted to post some small observations from the effects of SM3 so far
I feel not as alpha as AM6 but still feel good about myself and my mood is actually better than on AM6 so I prefer it in that regard. I also feel wittier and funnier. I also have more of a selection in the women I make eye contact with. For example before any subs I would treat most women as a potential sex experience, even the unattractive ones. Now on SM3 I have a much higher standard for the women who can have sex with me. Its on my terms and I am acting through that.
A friends female neighbor said hello to me the other day and tried to initiate a small conversation. Didnt happen prior to SM so it can be attributed to it
Also women have been eyeing me most days and the quality of females seems to be going up in most places I am out too.
Lastly I wanted to post a weird thing thats been happening to me and I can say it feels like the subs are trying to get me out into the wide world. For example my laptop died the other day (usually I would be cooped up inside on my laptop) and my parents tv died so I lent them mine which means no PS3/4 or TV. Hmm coincidence? I think the subs have got me into situations where I have to go outside to cure my boredom and of course have sex with females too. So far Shannon the subs are a powerhouse and are extremely exhausting .
I better be an absolute monster in the bedroom Shannon. I feel all these sacrifices need to be rewarded with a very grand "prize"

I'll keep updating when I feel any inner game discoveries are made or I have any significant interactions with sexy women.