12-19-2015, 07:56 AM
(12-19-2015, 05:26 AM)Darkness Wrote: Stealing is stealing.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
Some people steal, some people don't. Who gives a fu*k? What gives Shannon the magical right to play copyright G*d?
Everybody on Earth with a successful online business gets their sh*t stolen by some people and none of them act like babies about it.
Like dude mentioned above if I pay for a sub, I should get that not and not that sub +stop piracy.
Also as Dzeemo mentioned I have a few subs that I've hardly ever used and will probably never ever use, so where's my fair value in that?
Why is it all about the vendor and not the customer? I just can't see things in such a fear based scarcity low consciousness type of way it's completely against how I would do anything.
A lot of people here honestly seem fuc*ing brainwashed, like Shannon is your G*d.
If it's okay for Shannon to add this bullsh*t to his products then it should be okay for every product on Earth to have this bullsh*t, but if every product on Earth had this bullsh*t people outside of this cult like atmosphere would not put up with it, and I haven't looked into it but I'm pretty sure it's highly illegal to even put something like that.
All in all it's bad business, a bad way to run business, and it comes from a very scarcity fear based mindset. Very shallow and unethical.
Look around your house, not one single thing you own has anything like that. Hell, I'm looking at my bike right now and thinking if I decided to borrow that bike to someone for a year it wouldn't stop working or not work right, it wouldn't make the person who borrowed it feel like somehow paying Schwinn money for using the bike it's almost comical how pathetic the ap code is.
Nobody would ever do that.
All Shannon will say back to me is that it's his intellectual property and that if I'm asking questions I must be guilty. Wtf is that? I have to be guilty to see what a low, shady, fear based business move that is?
Nobody knows I use subs, so I don't even have anyone to give a copy to even if I wanted too.
Obviously I am still very thankful for Shannon and this website and all of his subs they are amazing, and there's no doubt in my mind that he is the master of the world at creating effective useful life changing, potentially life saving subs, so I hope people understand I'm not trying to attack Shannon or his company, but I just stronglydisagree with the APcode so I have to say something about it, because to me its just not right.
Some people steal, some people don't. And with online stuff who even cares, the people who steal aren't going to buy anyways, plus it's not like Shannon loses inventory from it.
I'm not saying it's okay to steal, I'm saying who cares, it happens, some people steal most people don't.
If there's people torrenting your sh*t or putting it on youtube then you can file a copyright infringement thing which takes like 2 seconds and will get it removed.
Nothing gives you the right to add the APcode. This is AMERICA we don't do sh*t like that here.
It may have even been Shannon's sub BASE4g that made me start thinking this idk but there's something in that sub where I just had to stop listening to it, now I'm listening to something else and feel fine again.
I'm pretty sure that sub though talks about practicing sound and honest business practices.
If Shannon truly believes in equal value then I should get my money back right now for AYP Girlfriend, Exercise motivation, some old flirting sub, and Poetry of the Silent Eros.
All of those subs together is like 75 bucks. That's 75 fuc*ing dollars that I got no value for, does that mean you pirated me Shannon? I didn't get fair value from those purchases, but it only matters if YOU get fair value and not me.
I feel I've gotten so much value from other subs I just never cared to try to return them or anything, plus I believe in supporting small businesses but this AP code is BAD business, it's a sneaky shady way of doing things and to me it's just wrong.
Some people steal, yes.
Most people DON'T.