03-07-2011, 06:44 PM
(03-06-2011, 10:39 AM)Patti Wrote: Ok, I’m really sorry to keep going on about this but I have a need (or am being pushed) to say something. I don’t want you to think I’m some sort of quack woman who hears voices or who has recently been beamed up on the newest greatest UFO! haha BUT, my grandmother when alive, was physic and read palms. Her predictions, for the sake of a better word were 90% true and 10% what I think she wanted to see happen.
With that said, I think that she passed to me some of her intuitiveness about the spiritual world in particular. I do not know, like she did, about anything happening in the future and basically don’t look at anyone’s palm but to shake their hand. However, I am very in tune with the looming spirit that passes through my house, many of which I’ve never met in this world. Their presence is always subtle but acknowledged by me none the less.
Things to me always seem to happen for a reason, not that I always know what that is but for this fleeting moment, I think I’ve got it. After I sent you the info about my land, I had my usual over-whelming feeling that I get after I’ve done what someone else (who has passed on) has wanted me to do. I even so much as looked up and said to no one, “there, are you happy now? I’ve done my job!”
Well apparently that’s not true! Today, when I went out to my deck to have a cigarette ( and yes I know I need to stop, have try several hundreds of times but just can’t! And please don’t tell me to listen to your sub to stop smoking forever, because I think you know enough about me by now that I simply won’t continue to listen to it. However, if you have something that will help me to quite, I’m all ears) when I got this, yet again over-whelming feeling that I hadn’t tried hard enough!
So here it is and please take from it what you want. There is someone that is looking over you and your best interest. My belief is that they wanted me to show you my land to get your mind thinking about that area. Because whether you buy my land (pick mine, pick mine lol) buy some other land or buy a house, someone thinks that you will be most contented and happy in that area.
And now my job is done! Or so I hope! Beam me up Scotty, I need a cocktail!
As for your smoking... I learned a long time ago that pushing doesn't help. When you're ready, you'll do what you need to do. I did get a chuckle out of "don't tell me to use the sub to stop smoking,but if you have anything that can help, please let me know." My interest is in helping people. If you aren't ready to quit yet, me talking about it isn't going to help. So... whenever you decide you are ready to quit... I wish you well.

It is interesting to me that you have come to conclude that someone wants me to be in that area. You have piqued my curiosity. Certainly, stranger things have happened in my life. I have never been in that area, and I only know what I have heard about it... but if this person you speak of is really wanting me to buy land there, they're either going to have to wait until I have free funds for it, or they're going to help me get some such funding. Hint hint, whoever you are.

Is there a particular time frame they're pushing for?
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!