(10-17-2015, 05:57 PM)essy Wrote: It makes sense to me that running AM6 three times in a row (if I feel the need for a third run) would be distinctly beneficial, because my mind would be devoted to the program for up to 1.5 years with only the necessary 1-4 week break between runs.
Does a multi-stage sub run deeper if it is repeated consecutively for as long as it takes to become entrenched? Or is it just as effective if repeated intermittently, as long as one puts in the same hours, over a period of time?
Would running another sub between runs of AM6 water down the potency of AM6? Or perhaps the potency of both?
Hi Essy,
Personally, I think it's important to run a sub as much as possible consecutively if you need to gain it's bulletpoints. I believe that if you have gaps in between runs, and you're already struggling to gain it's bulletpoints, that will just make it harder to gain mastery of the sub because you will have a lot of time to lapse in between and allow the old programming to regain a foothold. It's one of the reasons I listened for such an EXTREME amount of hours, I wanted to blunt force eradicate as much of the old garbage as possible in one fell swoop. To allow the new programming to imprint and begin self-generating as much as possible with as little conflict from the old as possible. I believe that was the biggest reason for my success on AM6.
It's probably best to concentrate on one sub until you feel you've gained it's content strong enough to move on, even temporarily. I'm reminded of Shannon saying he's known guys to use AM once and have it with them long term, others needed several runs to imprint it. We're all different, and the "right" answer is more to do with your individual progress with imprinting the sub. Now, those were older versions of the program, but the meaning of it is important to this I feel.
There's zero shame in running AM6 a few times. I think it probably has everything a man needs in one package to be honest.
I noticed you asked this awhile ago, and I saw your post still wanting thoughts on this. So I hope this helps!