(10-20-2015, 07:59 PM)Shannon Wrote: Alright, so here's what I am planning to add to this program at this point, after looking at the suggestions.Any space for a little more emphasis on long term memory storage, memory palaces and eidetic memory?
- Make learning more fun.
- When learning, focus on learning.
- When focusing, focus fully.
- Maximize success of learning at maximum speed and recalling information.
- Enhance motivation to learn, and stay on task with learning.
- Enhance ability to learn, comprehend, and remember what is learned. (This is more of a secondary approach to something already in the script.)
- Neutralize any fear of learning or situations in which recall becomes critical, and replace it with calm, comfortable confidence and enjoyment regarding learning, recall and proving what one has learned.
Please remember that these will be statements - say 1-5 statements per topic, not entire subliminal scripts.
I often learn things but forget them six months later. Very frustrating.
Fear Is The Mind-killer