I`m way more communicative than normal, I can easily interact with any one, especially with girls and... they approach me and tell me their names! When I pass girls I must look in another way because I don`t want to attract so many of them! It`s quite insane! But you know what? I love it!
Also my new students` group have picked me on their leader and that`s very cool. From time to time some jerks are trying to take my confidence away but they`re simply jealous and it seems to me that they have a low self esteem and are trying to boost their own ego, but IDGAF. Also when unattractive girl is looking at me I instantly take my eyes away. At first I thought that it`s some kind of beta behaviour but finally I conluced, what`s the point to gaze at girls like this? Non!
I`m in rush last days and it`s hard to me to keep my journal but I`ve made commitment and want to handle this.
Now I must find the way to deal with this massive attraction and to manage things with "my girls" (those who are most attracted to me and are very cute - there`re 8s, if you have to know, boys
For now 3 girls.).