09-24-2015, 04:13 PM
Still keeping the hours high.
Dreams have been crazier lately...not even going there.
Even now though, when I see a guy with a hot girl, I do feel a bit jealous. But at the same time I think to myself "I'm going to get mine (multiple girls)"
I've been reading more people's experiences with SM compared to WM. IMHO I have already been on the path of WM. I have been at the point when I can meet new people and girls by just approaching them (I can still do this when I get over my hesitation to approach). It's just I want relationships that would last a long time. A lifetime preferably, but that's not always possible. It has happened that I talk and hang out with girls, but if I don't do whatever fast enough, they get a bf and then don't respond to texts after that. I understand that WM would probably correct this, but what I want is to be the rockstar that all the girls sexually fantasize about and would kill to be with. I want that over having a large social circle of girls which may or not want to be more than friends. SM is much more targeted for what I want.
Essentially that last paragraph was pure mental masturbation, it's my own personal notes
Dreams have been crazier lately...not even going there.
Even now though, when I see a guy with a hot girl, I do feel a bit jealous. But at the same time I think to myself "I'm going to get mine (multiple girls)"
I've been reading more people's experiences with SM compared to WM. IMHO I have already been on the path of WM. I have been at the point when I can meet new people and girls by just approaching them (I can still do this when I get over my hesitation to approach). It's just I want relationships that would last a long time. A lifetime preferably, but that's not always possible. It has happened that I talk and hang out with girls, but if I don't do whatever fast enough, they get a bf and then don't respond to texts after that. I understand that WM would probably correct this, but what I want is to be the rockstar that all the girls sexually fantasize about and would kill to be with. I want that over having a large social circle of girls which may or not want to be more than friends. SM is much more targeted for what I want.
Essentially that last paragraph was pure mental masturbation, it's my own personal notes