09-08-2015, 08:08 AM
(09-07-2015, 06:27 PM)DarthXedonias Wrote: Good to see your progress is going well! Its funny that you mentioned the thing about the guy at the crosswalk because I had "almost" the exact same thing happen to me yesterday. I was walking away from subway and one of the guys ran up from behind me to push the button for the crosswalk. As I a passed by he tried making conversation with me and wanted to know if I was going the same way. Unfortunately, I was not so we didn't really get to have a conversation.
Also, I'm a little late to reply but though I might give a suggestion on what you might want to use next sub wise since your already contemplating that. You've already cleared out a lot of garbage in your head by doing EPRHA for 6 months so I think you might want to start making a foundation on on top of that. For that I might suggestion Life tune up since it seems to be in line with your goals. You said that you wanted a handle on your social/sex life. I noticed from a lot of the journals that people noticed there social skills increased, they became more popular, and on some of them they got a girlfriend (Johnathan4all, and DGamer come to mind). Not to mention you would be working on making a better you. Also, since you plan on doing AM6 eventually it would probably help you get the fundamentals of that program down quicker. Since LTU makes up about 30% (I believe) of AM6 that means you would already have a bit of a handle on 30% of AM6 when you actually do it.
Anyway, thought I would suggest that since it "might" be in line with your goals. In the end though only you know whats best for you sub wise. I myself will probably be doing LTU after i'm done with EPHRA just to get some more self-development.
That's interesting that you had a similar experience, it just helps confirm that the sub is working for both of us!
I have also come to a final decision based on my intuition, experience, and the advice of others.
After EPRHA, I will run AoS or AoS with BIATBWS for 3 months consistently. If any results were going to show, it'd happen in that time period and would have some time to sink in better to my subconscious. Regardless of whether I love the results or not, I will run AM6 afterwards. I may briefly run EPRHA again depending on how I feel before I go through AM6. If EPRHA has helped me this much, I'm sure AM6 would be awesome for me. Plus since it has so many things packed into it, that'd be a great way for it to really improve me in every area.
I just want to know I'm spending my time effectively