09-02-2015, 12:31 AM
I don`t know why but yesterday I felt a little social discomfort a couple of times. I think that was discomfort only on conscious level because I was only thinking about it and I wasn`t feeling it on deep (subconscious) level. May be my poor socialization during last days is the reason but, honestly, I don`t care because I know that was temporary. I`m writing about this because I`ve almost forgot how it feels. I`m not so careless like I`ve been during last 2-3 months and I miss it a bit but I`m sure that WM2 will bring it back to me, so I`m patient and persistent... As always!
You know, I don`t wanna be so serious because, IMHO, the world is the playground and the life is the fun so I wanna have fun till I`m young.