Recently, I`ve noticed, when I was looking into the mirror, that my gaze is so... powerful and confident (also that I`m handsome and very attractive, if you wanna know, girls
). I also stopped to stoop and my voice has become stronger and deeper. Women have become more responsive to me, I see submissive womanly behaviour (also lot of USS - undercover sex signals) as reaction for my presence almost all the time. I forgot to mention that 2 months ago my acquaintance (woman) called me `an alpha male` despite that she don`t know that I use AM6 sub. On Friday I`ll start 6th AM6 stage and than, probably, I`ll start WM because I feel that this sub was created special for me.
I can easily attract women from years but I also don`t have desire to fu... I mean, converse with them.
I think that WM will be very helpful not only to deal with girls but also to improve my life style in general. I wanna be more social becasue from 5 years I don`t have desire to socialize at all.