shannon, sorry to hear you under the weather.
have you not been taking your 3000 mg of quality C and Zinc.
Knowing you, probably not enough rest; hopefully it's nothing serious.
When you get back on your feet, can you tell me whether combining, Developing Irresistible Charisma with BIATBW 7.1 is a bad idea. I understand the latter repels men, so if that is the case, then listening to DIC which does the opposite will be a conflict?
I am looping both these and reintroducing DAS back into my play list.
Counter Productive or ineffective, or a powerful combo?
From what I read on the forum Type B (3 max).
have you not been taking your 3000 mg of quality C and Zinc.
Knowing you, probably not enough rest; hopefully it's nothing serious.
When you get back on your feet, can you tell me whether combining, Developing Irresistible Charisma with BIATBW 7.1 is a bad idea. I understand the latter repels men, so if that is the case, then listening to DIC which does the opposite will be a conflict?
I am looping both these and reintroducing DAS back into my play list.
Counter Productive or ineffective, or a powerful combo?
From what I read on the forum Type B (3 max).