07-04-2015, 09:05 PM
You don't have to overthink it. Being alpha also has to do with knowing yourself. This is what I mean by saying the internal change of when a new stage starts. I think I've manifested three good friends in the past five months. And they are very busy people. There are guidelines on the ad page but what you want in a friend could be different from anyone else. I've started stage 5 and I'm very social. I could honestly give a fuck about status and ego I trust in my abilities and confidence. People naturally see the value in me wherever I go because of this. This has been one of the underlying themes AM6 has to offer. I've been reading your journal and I truely beleive you can stick out the run through and continue good habits of running these multi stage subs for years to come. It can be easier than it sounds man, the SM3 lead in is an absolute blast. Goodluck!