05-16-2015, 08:41 AM
(05-16-2015, 07:30 AM)TheRealJustin Wrote: I've had sex sober a lot of times but never in a bad ass way where I just meet some girl at a grocery store or something like that and then leave with her. It's always girls I meet through friends and we just click, or with girls I meet online. I'm no where near the level of these coaches, even when I'm wasted and in funny happy outgoing mode, still I usually don't get laid but get a lot of attention, and make out and have a really fun night, but also have to deal with a lot of angry guys, pretty much every single guy that has the balls to say something will come and try to rain on my parade, but when I'm with my friends it never bothers me because my friends could rock someone badly. When I get laid from a bar it's almost exclusively when I go alone and is with a girl who is also alone, and is not the best looking girl. The hottest girls I get are from meetme . com. If I lived in a bigger city with more people and more women it would probably be a little more comfortable practicing cold approach pickup, but at this point in life it's not something I ever do. If I had a good friend that wanted to go out and practice cold approach pickup though I would.
Well, hit me up if you're ever in canada lol.
Still though, I think most of it is a progression. You can't go 0-60 overnight. Takes time, and thousands of rejections and bad experiences sadly lol.
I myself am going to start getting back out there cause no progress is made sitting at home. And I've been watching some of Julien's stuff. The guy seems pretty solid. I'm not sure how he got so internally solid, I'll have to look up his background.
(05-16-2015, 07:30 AM)TheRealJustin Wrote: It would be really nice to be able to pull off some of this sh*t I see guys doing, maybe I should just balls up and at least start saying hi and introducing myself when I see a hottie, but in all honesty I probably won't lol.
Really? Dude, you gotta!
I remember when I first started, I literally thought that I would be arrested, beaten up, or at least slapped and yelled at by the woman for asking her for the TIME!
Once I got over that, it was another hurdle, and so on. Just take it baby steps. Identify the least you can do, then push it a little bit. Keep doing that till it's all part of your comfort zone.
Right now my trouble is conversation/small talk. Girls literally smile HUGE when I approach them most the time now, even blush sometimes, but when I start small talk, it dies FAST and I can literally see it. So I'm not sure WHAT it is, but I do know WHERE it is.
(05-16-2015, 07:30 AM)TheRealJustin Wrote: I don't really think you're missing anything if you have the balls to do cold approach, that's really all you probably need and if you keep doing it you'll just get better at it. Where I live there's not really anywhere that just has a ton of girls besides the mall, but I imagine having to spend like 5 hours talking to every girl I see just to get one where something might happen so I just never even try.
Balls isn't worth a whole lot in my experience. You gotta know what to do. It's like if you had the balls to approach a woman who didn't speak english, it just wouldn't work. No matter what. You gotta communicate for whatever reason lol, but it's true.
As for the mall, just go. I'm still struggling with needing an "excuse" to go to the mall other than hitting on women, but you know what? I'm getting there. I haven't bought anything from a mall unless I absolutely needed it (and was going to get it anyways) for some time now. I've even told girls I'm hitting on, after they're like "so what are you doing?" I'm like "just hangin out, walking around, and talking to any cute girls I may come across." lol. What's the big deal?
(05-16-2015, 07:30 AM)TheRealJustin Wrote: I just get girls online, at bars, or through friends, or at parties. All my friends too, none of them would be a wingman, if anything they will co*k block and talk me down and try to steal the girls attention away from me. Total weasels, but I understand that they don't know or study anything I know and study/have studied so it doesn't bother me, but it does make me wish I had a friend to go out and practice with and meet a lot of girls, and hot girls know a lot of other hot girls, and hot girls hang with cool guys, so it would just make your sex life and social life just raise and be awesome.
Yeah I hear ya. Socializing is the one part I'm not ok with yet. It turns me off, quite literally.
I can approach women, be pretty direct, touch them, check them out without flinching even when I've done so by leaving their gaze, then look back in their eyes and smirk. It's all easy, but socializing? GAH! lol, kill me now.