05-15-2015, 11:24 PM
(05-15-2015, 09:54 PM)SargeMaximus Wrote:(05-15-2015, 08:36 PM)TheRealJustin Wrote: I guess pua wise I'd recommend fitting it in your own personality instead of trying to change who you are. Not that you are trying to change who you are, but that's kind of what I was doing. Like Shannon said though, these pua's will approach hundreds of girls a day just to get that one little clip, but some are so good at game that it's like almost all their interactions are good ones.
Yeah, I'd be totally ok with that (having to keep practicing till I got to an insane level like having good interactions with every girl) if i knew the strategy/method. Seems a lot of the "new age pua stuff" however is in lines with "just be yourself!" which is bullsh*t because being myself has been what I've BEEN doing for years.
I'm a big boy, I can take the truth, but it seems everyone (even Shannon to some degree) is/are saying that you should ignore pick up and just be yourself.
HOWEVER, if one CAN get good at pick up, I WANNA KNOW ABOUT IT so I can practice and master it. Otherwise I'll gladly build my bank account to support a lifestyle of cute hookers. TYVM!
(05-15-2015, 08:36 PM)TheRealJustin Wrote: The biggest thing that really helped get me back on track the most was Owen Cook saying be the party instead of trying to join their party. Meaning, just be having the most fun and the girls will want to be a part of you're reality instead of going up to the girls trying to get into their reality, idk if I'm making sense.
Yeah you're making sense. Problem is, my reality is hard to join. And not very appealing. It's not like I care, nor do I want to join another's reality, but mine's pretty dull to other people, and not much of a chick-magnet.
(05-15-2015, 08:36 PM)TheRealJustin Wrote: A lot of this stuff is kind of hard to explain and hard to understand until it just 'clicks' but I definitely recommend Owen Cook you can see his vids on youtube by searching rsdtyler (I'm actually about to check that out now that I'm thinking about it, haven't been there in a while) and I recommend the most to you specifically because I think you would resonate with him the most Julien Blanc, and you can check his youtube searching rsdjulien. What's great about these two also is they're rich as hell, Owen Cook especially, so they just give out all of their info right on their youtube channel. They'll even tell people to go ahead and torrent download their products because they give all the info for free anyways. They make all their riches doing bootcamps every weekend, and I'm sure a lot of people still do buy their stuff just to show support.
Cool, I'll check it out. Tyler seems pretty legit. I love his views on presence vs. pick up. And the prospect of finding a way to BE a PUA is appealing, simply because it beats the hell outta sitting at home in self-pity
There definitely is a way to become extremely good at pick up, and I would like to get there too. Pretty much when I say I hate pua, it's more of what pua was when I first got into it. Mystery, Neil Strauss, David DeAngelo (Eben Pagan) Brad P, Carlos Xuma, I know there's a few others I was into but I can't think of them. Once I found RSD though, mainly Tyler, things started to clear up for me and begin to make sense.
That dude is living proof that it's possible to get INSANELY good at game, because he just wanted it, and he figured it out, but he put himself through some serious s**t to get to the level he's at now. He'd literally force himself to open every girl he encountered, study pua like mad, try everything, go to seminars, just basically devoted his life to mastering this one skill.
Like I said, it's hard to explain. I'm no expert pick up artist or anything like that, but when I say be yourself I don't really mean be yourself, but I mean learn pick up, but have your own style that fits your personality. Like if you wanted to master guitar, learn from who you resonate with, but have your own style and make your own songs instead of trying to become a copy of him if that makes sense.
That's another thing I really like about rsdtyler is he teaches self development and is always saying to better yourself, to eat healthy, get healthy, join a gym, make money, find your purpose in life, learn to be cool, get friends that are cool, dress well, all this stuff, and I know he has all this stuff in his head and tries to get it into our heads what he's really thinking and really saying, and he does a pretty good job of it. He kind of though I guess you could say snapped me back into reality and helped me to stop trying to learn these little snake like shady tactics and routines and all this just stupid shit like there's some magical mixture of words and body language that will get any girl (though I am glad I learned all that stuff, but I had too much focus and importance on it, and I was becoming weird).
That guy though, he went from zero to hero and made millions while doing it. Pretty impressive, but he is EXTREMELY outgoing and charismatic it's nuts, and I can't even imagine all the embarrassment and humiliation he went through to get to where he's at now lol that guy has balls big time.
Anyways yea, when I say be yourself I do not at all mean be who you are now maybe I should say stay true to yourself, but improve yourself, become a guy girls want to hang out with instead of trying to find ways to 'get her' to hang out with you.
When I first got into pua, I was a virgin and was hanging out with extremely hot girls, and they all loved me, and really truly wanted me badly but I thought I was just some fat ugly guy so I truly thought they were just messing with me, and then I got into pua and started trying stuff, and they all just became unnatracted and I just thought "yup, they were just messing with me this whole time' but really, I just changed into someone that wasn't attractive. I turned into some creep trying to get something instead of being the fun charismatic guy I was. I did land my first girlfriend a few years later after studying pua more every day all day and she was hot, first girl that ever loved me, I fell in love with her, 2 years later she dumped me for an obnoxious meth head and it made no sense and I was suicidal and depressed on a level I never even knew existed, and then I started looking at David DeAngelo dvd's again and was realizing why she left me, then found his Eben Pagan stuff where he says how he thought of the name David DeAngelo, why he made products on pickup and all this stuff and it turned out he was just some expert marketer that hoped on a hot niche and started making 20 million dollars a year from it, and I was pissed. Then I found rsd a little while later and everything started making sense, I completely understood why I got dumped, started to become my old self again, a cool charismatic friendly open funny social guy that people liked. My ex wanted me back, still does to this day, I've done some pretty crazy shit infront of my friends that they still talk about all the time when we're together (If I'm wasted, and with friends, I'm on a whole nother level) and everything just started to fall back into place.
Anyways, I just went on such a long rant I can't even remember the point I was going to make when I started writing.
I remember you saying before you don't like bars or clubs. I recommend just going anyways, if you don't like drinking you don't have to drink. Owen Cook goes 7 nights a week sober. I would like to have the balls to do the stuff he does while I'm sober. If I get really drunk I'll ask myself 'what would Tyler do?" and that stuff really does work but it causes a scene. Where I'm from, lol, these people are like, idk they don't know what the hell is going on, and guys get pissed, bartenders kick you out, bouncers kick you out, but I'll be so wasted too but my friends will always tell me I was macking hard and got kicked out for no reason cause the next day I'll be like 'did those girls hate me or was I bothering them?' and they'll be like "no man, they loved you you were macking hard that was crazy' I want to learn to game like Owen or Julien sober,(not that I'm on there level when I'm drunk, I'm not, but I can be impressive at times) or just out and about when I see a hot girl, but I just can't. I have to be wasted, or if I'm just introduced to a girl I can game sober like if we have a mutual friend, but I can't like see a hottie at Chipotle and just start macking.
There definitely is a way to become a modern day Casanova, but it's not an over night thing, well, I guess it could be, Tyler was gaming for over 10 years and said Julien passed him up in just 2 years.
But yea, don't be yourself, but be you. Develop yourself, but still be you. Strive to be a better version of you but make sure that guy is still you is what I mean by be yourself. Like how I said pua ruined me, but in the end it worked out and the basics stuck with me, and I'm myself again. I don't mean I'm the same me I was back then, I just mean I'm a new me, but I still am me. Idk, I'm really bad at explaining things, and on the topic of pua there's so many contradictions and stuff but it's because there's so many variables, like for rsd even, every single one of them games different. they're all completely different in the way they do everything, but it's really just the basics that matter, but then again the basics don't get you to master pua level.
I'm actually really glad this thread popped up and got my mind going again because, yea man I want to be able to just go out like these guys sober and have more fun and more girls than anyone there and go home with the hottest girl and just have a blast that would be awesome. I need to start stepping out of my comfort zone without having to pump myself full of liquor first.
It would be cool if we knew each other in real life because we could just go out and practice getting good with women until it was just normal to go out and meet a bunch of women every day.
Wow though, I just went on the biggest rant ever lol.