05-15-2015, 07:09 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-15-2015, 07:15 AM by SargeMaximus.)
(05-14-2015, 05:14 PM)Benjamin Wrote: What stands out to me Sarge is working on the past trauma as that is blocking you. I know you've talked about that in the past and it sounds like that is the predominant issue.. that trauma generates the fear/guilt/shame and the 'wall' you're putting up towards the women.
I think you're already on the right track.
Good thing Shannon's close to releasing the new EPRHA
Yeah but will switching to the new EPRHA "reset" my resistance? In other words, if I'm say 70% close to overcoming my resistance on EPRHA, will switching to 2.0 reset that to 0%?
I've noticed before that switching subs seems to be a new beginning.
(05-14-2015, 06:42 PM)Shannon Wrote:Quote:Ok, that makes sense. To be honest, I don't know where to begin. I'm not needy, I know that. I hardly see women as worth my time except for sex. Maybe that's it? And then there's the social overtones such as small talk that I employ to get sex. Where I'd rather just be f*cking them, I "have" to do the whole small talk spiel, makes interacting with women after the intial approach a chore and tiresome.
Do you have any suggestions on how to figure out what my issues are? Especially since I have so little experience save for approaching. I'd really appreciate it.
I've heard of books like "Mode One" where the guy advocates being brutally honest with women, telling them flat out what he wants to do with/to them in the first few minutes (The author, Alan Roger Currie, also says he himself HATES small talk, so I know it's not just me) . I see this as perhaps my ultimate state of being. Yet there is tremendous fear/guilt/shame involved in that, and I can't see myself being that way without at least being able to defend myself physically lol.
If I understand correctly, you are asking me for advice on how to be more successful with women. I see very clearly here in what you say that your problems stem secondarily from considering them objects, and primarily from whatever triggered that point of view.
I suppose, but in my experience, women respond to me when I see them this way, and not when I see them as "human". I think my nice guy/needy self kicks in when they are human in some way. It's all so confusing.
(05-14-2015, 06:42 PM)Shannon Wrote: Women are not objects. They are people, just like you, but they have lady parts instead of man parts. Not aliens - people. I've said this before.
Yes I get that, and, just like me, can they not just wanna f*ck? Is it just not possible? If no, then they AREN'T just like me, obviously.
(05-14-2015, 06:42 PM)Shannon Wrote: The sooner you understand the point I am about to make, the faster you'll be enjoying the warm embrace of a woman's sex: To get access to a woman's vagina, you need to give her what she responds to with vaginal sex. First understand that she has feelings, just like you do. [...]Healthy women won't look twice at a man who considers them a vagina on legs.
Second, understand that you are damaging yourself by having sex without having any sort of connection with your lover.[...]It does not have to be the end-all, be-all, but it does have to be some sort of connection and hold some sort of value and meaning. Even friends with benefits has the connection of being friends, and mutually seeking satisfaction gives a certain level of respect and connection, even if in that circumstance it is typically low.
This is part of my problem definitely. When I see a friendship with a woman and connect on some level, she ceases to be a sexual option for me. Both mentally, AND by her own reactions and changes in behavior to me. I've seen it every single time in my life. Where's the middle ground?
(05-14-2015, 06:42 PM)Shannon Wrote: Women will typically reserve sex for those who she loves, or, if she is less aware/mature, those who display the characteristics that trigger sufficient arousal in her. If all you want is sex, then you really have only two options. A professional, or a numbers game, which consists of randomly approaching women you find attractive until one says yes.
I can tell you from watching this method in action, if you are not very good at controlling the variables, you will find that no pussy is worth the hassle this method takes to get it.
Definitely starting to see that lol.
(05-14-2015, 06:42 PM)Shannon Wrote: Therefore I recommend you try to do the following.
1. Consider your self image. Do you think of yourself as an object? Do you have feelings? Can you connect to them? Cultivate a self image of being a person, who has feelings, and cultivate your connection to your emotions. The "men never cry" and "men don't have feelings" ***** is just that. Real men are healthy men, and healthy men have, accept and own their feelings. You don't necessarily have to cry, but you do have to be aware of your own emotions, and learn to respect them and treat yourself with consideration instead of hurting yourself.
I was talking to Ben about that just yesterday. I totally advocated crying. I am VERY connected to my emotions. I've even felt feminized because I'm so emotional. I've been called sensitive/too sensitive by others more times than one.
(05-14-2015, 06:42 PM)Shannon Wrote: 2. Do the same concerning women. Consider and understand your view concerning women. Do you view them as a necessary evil, to be dealt with and tolerated until such time as they spread their legs and allow insemination? Or do you understand that she has feelings and emotions and needs, and gets hurt and bleeds just like you do?
Not evil, but tolerated, yes lol. But it's not like that. Women love sex as much if not more than guys do, so what the heck man? They're not powerless here, I can only do so much.
I understand that they have emotions and needs etc, but that's not up to me. I can't make her feel anything can I? Emotions are our OWN jurisdiction. Any emotionally healthy person (women included!) will understand this. So I'm not sure what to do with this information as a) I already realize it and b) I can't do anything about it.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but I just doin't see what this has to do with my lack of success. :/
(05-14-2015, 06:42 PM)Shannon Wrote: Women may be the most sensitive beings on the planet. They can smell a man who hates women a mile away, and they can smell men who objectify women a mile away.
If that's true then they LOVE me when I'm owning it. Cause any time I let myself be hateful misogynist incarnate they come running and start approaching me. Why is that then??
(05-14-2015, 06:42 PM)Shannon Wrote: I have a friend (who you remind me of A LOT, for a number of parallels between the two of you - not just your difficulty achieving sex) who spent at least the last decade whining and bitching about never getting enough sex. It was all stemming from his emotional abuse at the hands of his mother and sister, and it made him hate women. Women responded by avoiding him.
Except that I told you: when I am in this absolute furiously hating state, women FLOCK to me. But then I want nothing to do with them, so don't get anywhere.
(05-14-2015, 06:42 PM)Shannon Wrote: I kept telling him over and over that not all women are like his mother and sister, but he refused to understand. The only thing that ended up changing his dry spell was meeting a woman who was completely irrational, who decided to get pregnant by him. Now they're tied by a child, and he gets all the sex he wants (last I checked). I haven't heard from him in a while, since the kid was born, but I guarantee you he's not father material and I guarantee you he's going to be miserable no matter how much sex she gives him. He never took the time to heal his own emotional damage before knocking this girl up, and now he's damaging himself, her and their daughter is going to be one hot mess, I can promise you.
Yeah it's a shame when guys do that. Condoms? lol
Yeah I know I've got issues with my mom, but I'm working on fixing them (therapy and whatnot) so it's not like I'm just typing and doing nothing, I want to make that clear.
I also want to know WHY women seem to like me so much when I DO hate them and see them as nothing more than "vaginas on legs" lol love that.

(05-14-2015, 06:42 PM)Shannon Wrote: You sound like you objectify women. If you want nothing but vagina, also consider a sex toy. They make some synthetic vaginas that I hear are pretty realistic. If you want the real thing, pay for it or change your point of view so that women are no longer vaginas on legs. I cannot say I recommend paying for it, not only because that is generally illegal, but because it is only perpetuating damage to the woman as well as yourself.
Not illegal in Canada where I live.

I've thought of moving to thailand and making a home-based business JUST so I could f*ck girls every day. It is THAT big of an issue for me.
Fortunately, I have more self-respect than to beg fat girls or impregnate girls JUST to get pussy. No thank you. I'd rather die a virgin.
(05-14-2015, 06:42 PM)Shannon Wrote: Why do you view women that way? The answer to that question is going to be key in solving this issue.
Ah... good question.
Why do I view women as objects? Because they don't act like people. They are not very self-directed, they go with the flow, they take direction, they NEED men to initiate ANYthing, they escape and refuse to take responsibility and they're entire value in society is based solely on how they look.
That's just off the top of my head.

Thanks for taking the time to go into this Shannon. You should/could be a counselor. I've met a lot in my life, and not many can really get to the roots. Most of it is just BS filler.
However, again I must state that I am simply too perplexed as to why you say women don't respond to haters or objectifying. My experience is that they absolutely do. So I'm confused as to why my experience has been that way.
More interestingly: I'm curious as to how I can USE such a "skill".
I've often thought that if I could OWN my hatred and objectifying of women and at the same time ACCEPT their reactions to it, I could probably bed them, because they make themselves so open to me in those moments. BUT, in those moments, I want nothing to do with them. It's only when I do want something to do with women that they are aloof. So yeah, f*cked.
(05-14-2015, 08:44 PM)TheRealJustin Wrote: Hey Sarge, if AM and SM worked the first time, they will still work now. Even though you now consciously see yourself as bi, that was there much longer subconsciously. Deciding consciously that you don't identify as straight anymore isn't going to magically make the programs not work this time around. These subs are speaking to our subconscious minds, so if you got the results the first time, it will work the second still. You may have just became aware you are bi but your subconscious already knew, or maybe consciously you think you're bi but on a subconscious level you are completely straight. I would agree and say to use another program, but since you already ran these and got results, then I vote run them again.
I just don't think your subconscious mind would be like "well, since Sarge doesn't identify himself as being straight anymore, I am now going to ignore this message."
I'm curious where you read me getting results? AM 6 was minor (if anything) while SM 3 made me near death many times, clearly unable to cope with whatever it was bringing up.
I first believed it was resistance, coming to terms with my orientatioin made me think the resistance was from THAT. Does that make sense?
I believe that contrary to what you are saying, my sub knew ALL ALONG thaI was not hetero, which is why I've seen such minimal results in subs except for the OGSF and EPRHA's of the world.
As for vampire diaries, not really interested. I don't believe I have to attract women so much as let myself be attractive then act on it. Consciously TRYING to attract women, be indifferent, or whatever is still that: TRYING.