05-13-2015, 08:06 AM
Thank you Shannon for your reply. One thing I still do not understand is this:
I don't understand why someone's orientation would be affected by a label or the programming itself. Are you saying a gay person could potentially be turned straight by the program? If so, I see the issue, but if not, then what's the harm?
A sub cannot change your orientation, can it? The way I see it: I'm a male (fact) I'm pansexual (ego-driven-label fueled by biological orientation). The label "heterosexual male" makes me think "oh, this isn't for me", whereas a line of script that WAS open would be "a male" and then I'd act on it or not depending on predisposition such as orientation.
That's just how I see it, would love to learn more if this is not the case. BECAUSE if a sub CAN alter your orientation, then I might as well keep using AM 6 and SM 3 because 99.9% of my sexual interest is tied up in women anyways.
It's a very deep and CORE topic to think about for sure.
I appreciate that, thank you. I didn't expect you to change the current AM anyhow, since I'd much rather have a new version at any rate, but I was hoping I could still glean some use from the current version without having to wait.
Thanks again for your consideration.
Oh I was. lol. I remember things from childhood.
Anyhow, it's taken me a long time to come to terms with myself and my orientation. I am very grateful, in fact, to Shannon's subs for highlighting this about me and forcing me (indirectly) to acknowledge and deal with it.
It's a good place to be in imo.
(05-12-2015, 09:03 PM)Shannon Wrote: The labels are there to protect those who may be inadvertently exposed who are not interested in women. Consider a college dorm where one person plays it for the rest, but one or more of his roomies is gay. That sort of thing.
I will have to account for all sexual identities or remove the need. If I remove the need, it will fundamentally alter the structure of the core, since gender relations is a major theme in the script. Relating to women, not just in terms of sex or romance, but in terms of masculine versus feminine. It seems that if I remove that, it will weaken the program's core. So to account for that I would have to create something that is specifically for bisexuals. The question is, would the amount of time it takes me to do that produce sufficient returns to be worth the time?
I don't understand why someone's orientation would be affected by a label or the programming itself. Are you saying a gay person could potentially be turned straight by the program? If so, I see the issue, but if not, then what's the harm?
A sub cannot change your orientation, can it? The way I see it: I'm a male (fact) I'm pansexual (ego-driven-label fueled by biological orientation). The label "heterosexual male" makes me think "oh, this isn't for me", whereas a line of script that WAS open would be "a male" and then I'd act on it or not depending on predisposition such as orientation.
That's just how I see it, would love to learn more if this is not the case. BECAUSE if a sub CAN alter your orientation, then I might as well keep using AM 6 and SM 3 because 99.9% of my sexual interest is tied up in women anyways.
It's a very deep and CORE topic to think about for sure.
(05-12-2015, 09:03 PM)Shannon Wrote: In the next version of AM, I will certainly be taking this into account in some manner. For the current version, though, I cannot say I am sure it is going to produce sufficient return on investment of time.
I appreciate that, thank you. I didn't expect you to change the current AM anyhow, since I'd much rather have a new version at any rate, but I was hoping I could still glean some use from the current version without having to wait.
Thanks again for your consideration.
(05-13-2015, 03:04 AM)ffaux Wrote: Sarge, have you considered that maybe you were not bisexual before running AM and SM? Is it possible that your bisexuality somehow eventuated from not having a strong enough AM core before moving to SM? Something to think about anyway...
Oh I was. lol. I remember things from childhood.

Anyhow, it's taken me a long time to come to terms with myself and my orientation. I am very grateful, in fact, to Shannon's subs for highlighting this about me and forcing me (indirectly) to acknowledge and deal with it.
It's a good place to be in imo.