04-12-2015, 08:04 PM
Week 6. Captain's Log 4/13/2015
This is going to be a short journal entry. First, I have to disclose a lot of resistance. I keep looking for my next sub while I haven't even got to the halfway point of my current sub. (ASC5).
It's been a crazy week. My father had an out patient procedure at a local teaching hospital. We had to be there by 6 a.m. for prep. and we were going to be there through recovery estimated around 3.p.m.. Needless to say I wasn't at my finest. My alarm clock went off and hit snooze twice, so no shower. I brushed my teeth and ran out the door wearing a ball cap and day old jeans. Even though I looked like crap and had serious coffee breath, I was getting looks and smiles from women that I have never met before!
Also, the cute girl at 7-11 where I buy my lotto's spent 3-5 minutes talking to me. Usually it is a 60 second transaction at the most. I am actually listening to this specific sub. for professional/academic reasons. So the smiles are a very nice side effect.
So, that's it for now. I will keep posting weekly or if something significant happens.
I was going to have my quote for the week be serious today, however my father had a book on his desk that I gave him as a gift a long time ago. Here is the title:
"When you come to the fork in the road, take it!"
-Yogi Berra
This is going to be a short journal entry. First, I have to disclose a lot of resistance. I keep looking for my next sub while I haven't even got to the halfway point of my current sub. (ASC5).
It's been a crazy week. My father had an out patient procedure at a local teaching hospital. We had to be there by 6 a.m. for prep. and we were going to be there through recovery estimated around 3.p.m.. Needless to say I wasn't at my finest. My alarm clock went off and hit snooze twice, so no shower. I brushed my teeth and ran out the door wearing a ball cap and day old jeans. Even though I looked like crap and had serious coffee breath, I was getting looks and smiles from women that I have never met before!
Also, the cute girl at 7-11 where I buy my lotto's spent 3-5 minutes talking to me. Usually it is a 60 second transaction at the most. I am actually listening to this specific sub. for professional/academic reasons. So the smiles are a very nice side effect.
So, that's it for now. I will keep posting weekly or if something significant happens.
I was going to have my quote for the week be serious today, however my father had a book on his desk that I gave him as a gift a long time ago. Here is the title:
"When you come to the fork in the road, take it!"
-Yogi Berra