01-23-2011, 04:09 PM
I can see the rough edges being smoothed out of me more and more as I go through stage 5. Also, I am noticing the effects of the Carpe Diem sub more and more. I think the two are complimenting each other quite nicely, it would seem a little too well on some levels. You see, I can't seem to control my mouth. I say whatever I feel like generally and it amazes me the things I can get away with saying. I can say offensive things that noone else I know can get away with saying because it is congruent with me and because my delivery and the energy behind it is perfect. One thing that has lightened up, though is that I don't curse as much as I used to. Which means that I now only curse 75% more than the average person. Other effects that I have noticed from these two subs are
-Increased humor(Probably one of the main reasons I never offend people is that I often have them cracking up. I love humor, it cuts right through the ego and gets to the heart of people)
-My body languange is way more relaxed. My walk has become very pronounced since starting alpha male. People comment on it all the time. One girl in particular is fascinated by walk and is constantly imitating me, making fun(which is fine, I'm a joke just like everyone else), but then said if she were a guy she would want to walk just like me, because I have such a distinctive walk. I can't help it. I just feel like a king when I'm walking around most of the time.
-Recently and especially since stage 5, guys have started to really try hard to get my respect. It's funny to watch. I'll get head nods of acknowledgement from a hundred feet away. No joke.
-I've lightened up and that's great. I've always had a very light hearted and ridiculous view on life, but it didn't always show up in my demeanor. Though, I have a great sense of humor once people get to know me, I tended to have a very intense presence and to be honest, sometimes in the past, I have taken myself a little too seriously, which is a completely incongruent behavior for my particular view on life. I chalk it up to thinking too much. Anyway, stage 5 has taken care of a lot of that and hopefully the effects will further be magnified in stage 6. As it stands, I have people around me cracking up all the time.
-Sexual energy is getting stronger. That speaks for itself really. I met a blonde woman today(I have a thing for blonde women at the moment) and started talking to her and while we were talking, the energy between was so hot that I was gtting seriously turned by how turned she was getting. Those are unmistakeable intuition moments where I know "Yeah, something is probably going to happen with me and her in the near future" and I'm almost always right unless I change my mind later and decide I'm not as in to it as I once thought.(It's my choice once I know how turned on she is, because women rarely have connections like that and I seriously doubt they will ever be the ones to decide they don't want it. Women just don't work that way in my experience) In that case, the interaction we shared was nice enough. Cory Skyy is right. That connection that you have, when you have a connection like that is even hotter than sex.
-The Carpe Diem sub is causing me to take action on things. Procrastination has always been a problem for me and I feel like I'm finally ridding myself of it.
All in all, smooth sailing this month. Things ar feeling good!
-Increased humor(Probably one of the main reasons I never offend people is that I often have them cracking up. I love humor, it cuts right through the ego and gets to the heart of people)
-My body languange is way more relaxed. My walk has become very pronounced since starting alpha male. People comment on it all the time. One girl in particular is fascinated by walk and is constantly imitating me, making fun(which is fine, I'm a joke just like everyone else), but then said if she were a guy she would want to walk just like me, because I have such a distinctive walk. I can't help it. I just feel like a king when I'm walking around most of the time.

-Recently and especially since stage 5, guys have started to really try hard to get my respect. It's funny to watch. I'll get head nods of acknowledgement from a hundred feet away. No joke.
-I've lightened up and that's great. I've always had a very light hearted and ridiculous view on life, but it didn't always show up in my demeanor. Though, I have a great sense of humor once people get to know me, I tended to have a very intense presence and to be honest, sometimes in the past, I have taken myself a little too seriously, which is a completely incongruent behavior for my particular view on life. I chalk it up to thinking too much. Anyway, stage 5 has taken care of a lot of that and hopefully the effects will further be magnified in stage 6. As it stands, I have people around me cracking up all the time.
-Sexual energy is getting stronger. That speaks for itself really. I met a blonde woman today(I have a thing for blonde women at the moment) and started talking to her and while we were talking, the energy between was so hot that I was gtting seriously turned by how turned she was getting. Those are unmistakeable intuition moments where I know "Yeah, something is probably going to happen with me and her in the near future" and I'm almost always right unless I change my mind later and decide I'm not as in to it as I once thought.(It's my choice once I know how turned on she is, because women rarely have connections like that and I seriously doubt they will ever be the ones to decide they don't want it. Women just don't work that way in my experience) In that case, the interaction we shared was nice enough. Cory Skyy is right. That connection that you have, when you have a connection like that is even hotter than sex.
-The Carpe Diem sub is causing me to take action on things. Procrastination has always been a problem for me and I feel like I'm finally ridding myself of it.
All in all, smooth sailing this month. Things ar feeling good!
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