(03-09-2015, 09:45 PM)Geodude Wrote: You're in for a treat - LTU is *awesome*
You ain't kiddin, I can't remember being this happy - I wonder is there a need for anything else?. I feel like with this state of being, I can just happily apply myself to anything and with consistency I'll get to where I want to go.
Within three hours of switching on LTU, i was calm, relaxed, self assured and free from huge amounts of negativity that had been battering me. After three days, I'm working better at work, because im allowing myself to enjoy it, and I affirm consistently that 'Success is automatic and inevitable, my mind and the universe always takes me to it.'
Convinced that this was the right sub for me. I consider that it probably should have been done more prior to am6 or in between am6 runs. The reason is, that in self forgiveness and forgiveness of others I'm releasing massive amounts of inertia which I felt blocked me from change. I can't and won't go into more than that, but I suggest that if you have a lot of self criticism and bitterness, this is an incredible sub to get involved with.
I set myself a goal to complete two major tasks this week. 1) to write a very complex paper for work, and 2) to get designs for my business venture ready. IM making good progress on both.
I feel my self restraint:discipline is improving. When I want to quit, or do something off target, that silent voice or a sense that keeps me on track is becoming stronger. I've also stopped self deprecating, a useless thing to do.
Noticing something, I have someone who has been A kind of friend to me. I notice that they have taken a dominant role in the relationship, since I had exposed some vulnerabilities to them. That totally ended today, when we had a disagreement and I totally stood firm and confident.
Anyway that's 3 days in. Phew what a relief after the heaviness of AM6.