03-08-2015, 12:36 AM
(03-07-2015, 08:38 PM)essy Wrote: I discovered sub-shop and sub-talk through a google-binge to improve my 'game' and become a manwhore. I wanted to jump into Sex Magnet but the prerequisite for Alpha Male—and reading through its description—helped me to see things in my life that I knew needed fixing (and priority) but hadn't articulated. Initially, I thought of AM as a stepping stone to SM, now I appreciate it in it's own right.
This is my experience exactly. I started off wanting WM and now am really going to make sure I thoroughly absorb AM6 before moving on.
(03-07-2015, 08:38 PM)essy Wrote: I want to have sexual relationships with attractive women. I want the social skills and a social life that is conducive to this. I want to f*&k like a jackrabbit and have the confidence knowing I can deliver sexually. I want to have multiple partners and plenty of options. I want quality AND quantity.
Interestingly I felt exactly the same before and during my first run of AM6. Coming out the other end I'm much less concerned with women. Sure, I'm still aiming for multiple partners of exceptional beauty and quality but that hunger is gone. I wonder how you're going to feel at the end of AM6. I hope you decide to run it again