03-04-2015, 03:31 PM
Quote:Stage 4 is a combination of extension of Stage 3’s teachings and concepts, and a refresher for Stages 1 and 2. It also refines the Alpha/Dominant social response and makes you more self sufficient and less likely to feel the need to prove anything to anyone. Self reliance. It also prepares for Stage 5.
F*ck it!! Stage 4 is the most boring and monotonous journey. As it is stands for refreshing and extending s1-3 programming. What happens:
- I am quite productive these days and started doing things that are out of my routines.
- Dang! My sex drive is top notch. Walking around with dick turned on as always
- Expand friends' circle.
- Generally more attractive.
I'm quite through with AM (think of not doing it again except refreshing), but some of my mind is shouting "re-run it again" while other part of my mind "do the magnets' now!"
I couldn't think of AM contributing to my life (might be the naturalizer and slipstream doing their fucking jobs), because this me like before, like always (naturalizer).
Ceh, f*ck it. Stage 5 and stage 6. Another 2 months