02-01-2015, 04:19 AM
6 Months of AM5 and a strong commitment that I didn't follow in my entire life with such an intensity.
Did my life change after those months? Yes and No!
- on the surface, there are not obvious changes - I am in the same place, in the same shitty company that I hate more and more, surrounded by the same colleagues with whom (with some exceptions) I don't socialize as I don't want to, with the same small number of friends, with the same finances (that are not very encouraging), with the same physical body (that needs to be seriously stronger), with the same wardrobe (that needs to be changed) etc.
- inside, YES - there are many changes - some of them are obvious, some are in the beginnings. The seed was planted and I am waiting for it to grow.
Let's start with what happened during this 6 months period:
- I lost my virginity - my biggest issue of 2014 if I recall. It was a pleasant experience.
- I earned my first money ever with my own efforts - $ 333 to me precise. I started an info product activity. This is not much, of course, but it's a good start. The official start was at the end of November, but the strategy and thinking started in July. I almost cried when I had the first student who paid for my course. It's a question of perseverance and good marketing to move these figures to 4-5 digits.
- I am open to use my real name/profile/picture in promoting my courses. I remember I had a strong inner debate as I didn't have the courage to expose myself.
- I am more and more aggressive to bullsh*t, to people manipulations.
- I ended some relationships with "friends" and it was a good decision.
- My productivity increased a lot - still, it's not at the level I would like it to be, but it's higher than when I started AM training.
- Since January I am no longer watching / reading anything related to news, mass-media. It's just manipulation. Last Friday I opened some online newspapers and I laughed
- I still use facebook but on a business sense as I will run some facebook ads in the near future. Otherwise, I am not interested much in what others are doing. From time to time I am opening some profiles, but not for a long time.
- I read few and few blogs - only the ones that truly matter. Before AM I read almost every sh*tty post/blog/blogger.
- I am respecting more and more those who made money. I don't judge the way they did it (it's their problem in the end).
- I tend to judge less and less people and specific situations. I am telling to myself that I don't have all the information and it's better to stop with the over-thinking. Unfortunately, I am not doing this every time as I am a very impatient/impulsive character, but this mind-shift is a big thing for me.
- did I tell you that I am not interested in the others' opinions - in general and in particular? E.g., I am in Toastmasters and I am preparing a speech for the up-coming competition. I refused to prepare it with others in group as I didn't like the superior attitude of a coach. I know I am smart enough to write/prepare a very good speech and I will do everything possible from my side to win.
- related to the previous point, I am reading less and less this forum.
- my body language improved - I stand and walk straight, and my voice became deeper and stronger (I am doing also vocal exercises for my competition speech).
- I am taking care of my health - during these months I did regular examinations - everything went fine.
- I am taking care of my face and hair as I have a very sensible skin because of the water it's used. Once my finances will be in good shape I will go to a cosmetic saloon and to a hairstylist.
- I am more aware that my days are passing and I have to make the most out of them.
- I have a strong sense of urgency.
- I had periods in Dec when I almost "died" - too many tasks to do at work and for my personal activity.
- often than before I am speaking calmer and stronger (if I am not stressed, sick, tired, nervous).
- I give money to charity on a regular level (I give around $30/month, but I want to increase it soon to $60).
- if i don't like a social situation, discussion I tend to say stop and leave often than before.
- I don't care much if I am ignored (though I still care, but not as much as before).
- if I did a mistake it's ok and I move on.
- I tend to gossip less but I want to lower it to almost zero gossip.
- during the 3 and 4 stage I had the impression that this program is useless - all the improvement seemed to vanish away, I had strong insomnia, weak inner-self, negative states.
- I stopped with PSTEC & other improvement techniques starting the middle of stage 3. I am using from time to time bwe meditation from a competitor. It was a good decision to stop pstec.
- since Jan I stared to cook and this is a big thing for me.
- regarding fitness, I am doing regular exercises but due to my work activities I have less and less time. Plus, I had a back injury for 3 months.
This is what I recall from doing AM5. Now, I will take every point from the sale page of the program and comment it:
Increased self confidence - yes, but there is a strong room to improve.
Increased self-respect - yes, but thee the next point.
Improved self-control - yes and no. No, because I am still watching porn and masturbate. The longer period I resisted was for 2 months and I felt very good despite the fact that my libido decreased.
Less interest in and concern with what others think of you, your choices or your actions - Yes, that is a big plus.
More interest and comfort in being your own man and doing your own thing - yes
Better self esteem - yes
More positive self-image - yes, but sometimes I still have a negative image of myself in relation to women.
Stronger sense of self - yes
Being able to handle rejection without taking it personally - yes, a girl friend-zoned me recently and it wasn't the end of the world. I wished her good luck and I moved on.
More social confidence - mmm, don't know what to say, but I think it's as before. I am not a social guy, unfortunately and AM didn't helped at all at that.
Less to no social anxiety - see the previous comment
Enjoying socializing more - see the previous comment
Much more confidence and relaxation when dealing with women in general, and especially those you find attractive - see the previous comment and no.
Willingness, confidence and ability to simply walk away from situations you don’t like -YES
Refusal to allow yourself to be taken advantage of, walked on or treated poorly by anyone, but especially women - YES
Alpha/Dominant male body language - don't know what is the standard, but my body language improved.
Alpha/Dominant male attitude - again, don't know what is the standard, but my attitude improved.
Alpha/Dominant male “aura” of unexplainable sexual attractiveness that women love so much - it's related to nofap. Every time I didn't think at women for a longer period of time and I didn't fap women were very attractive to me.
Alpha/Dominant male eye contact and communication - yes and no. The eye contact is ok, stable, series. I still have problems with the communication part.
Better, more easily expressed sense of humor - if I am not stresses, sad I have a good sense of humor.
Enjoying the company of others, and especially beautiful women, more and more comfortably and easily - no, I am an introvert guy. AM didn't help me much with the socialization part
Seeking out beautiful women to enjoy the company of - related to the previous comment. Plus, I don't have a strong "game" to play with women. I am very rockie.
Having beautiful women notice you more, find you more attractive, and want to be with you more, physically, sexually, romantically and emotionally - related to the nofap thing mentioned above.
Treating (and taking) socializing as just a fun game - NO, unfortunately.
Being entirely unconcerned with getting the interest of any woman, because you know there are plenty more where she came from - I am not concerned but I wished I were a more social, easy-going guy.
Refusing to allow females to dominate or control you - YES
Taking care of yourself better, in terms of exercise, eating, hygiene and dress - YES, the dress part needs to improve.
Acceptance of, and feelings of deservedness of, being treated well - yes
Deserving respect from others - yes
Self-love and liking yourself - in general, yes.
Valuing yourself - yes, but with women I think I need to value myself more.
Extended ego balancing - I think my ego skyrocket during the AM training. I ha previously a strong ego, but right now it's unbelievable.
Strong, centered masculinity and masculine presence - my masculine presence needs to be improved.
Destruction of negativity within you concerning yourself and others, and replacement with positivity - the positivity part needs to be stronger as it is now.
Self-acceptance with continual striving to be better than you are - YES
Destruction of laziness - yes, but it's still a big room for improvement
Motivation boost - YES
Doing what needs to be done, because it needs to be done, and that is the way of the Alpha - yes
Extroversion enhancement and training - NO (and I feel sorry for that)
Self-forgiveness - yes
Social stability, skill and strength - NO!
Overcome abandonment issues - didn't have big issues with that before.
Success training - YES
Gratitude - YES, but it started to be in place in the 6th stage. Before, it was exactly the opposite.
Self-trust - yes
See yourself as man, instead of boy - yes, but the man part needs to be improve
Leadership training and development - not so much I must say.
Decisiveness training - yes, I tend to be more decisive. If I catch myself to hesitate I step back.
Authenticity and congruency training - yes, but I didn't have issues before.
Destruction of jealousy and possessiveness, and replacement with self-security, self-reliance and self-satisfaction - the jealousy part decreased but there is a room to improve.
Constant self-growth and progress - yes.
So, that was it - 6 Months of AM5. This is the 3rd attempt (I failed miserably with the previous two) and I consider a success.
What's next? I was thinking at that very seriously for the past weeks. I am not convinced that BASE is the answer right now. I started this business activity, there are many things to learn but I don't think BASE will help me much. So, for the moment BASE is a No.
Attract your Sexual Lover - I was thinking at that sub very seriously as I want to have some fun. I am working very much at my business activity coupled with the work hours. And I need some moments of pleasure (that's why I don't want to start with BASE which will hyper focus my energy only on the business part). This sub could be the answer to my problem.
SM - Definitely no for many reasons.
WM - maybe, but I don't want to focus all my energy on the women side. Again, it's a no.
AM6 - No as well. Too expensive. Better to start with BASE but as I've said I don't think the time is right.
AM5 was a very good experience for the $ 87 I payed for. It added a lot of value into my life and I am thinking seriously to start a second complete run.
I don't know what to choose - Attract your sexual lover for 4 - 5 months (and I am sure that my personal development will increase during this period) or AM5.
What do you think guys?
In the end, Thank You Shannon for your efforts, dedication and honesty. Buying and using this product was a very good decision and it payed off the "effort" of listening (an average of a constant 12/h day exposure throughout each stage).
6 Months of AM5 and a strong commitment that I didn't follow in my entire life with such an intensity.
Did my life change after those months? Yes and No!
- on the surface, there are not obvious changes - I am in the same place, in the same shitty company that I hate more and more, surrounded by the same colleagues with whom (with some exceptions) I don't socialize as I don't want to, with the same small number of friends, with the same finances (that are not very encouraging), with the same physical body (that needs to be seriously stronger), with the same wardrobe (that needs to be changed) etc.
- inside, YES - there are many changes - some of them are obvious, some are in the beginnings. The seed was planted and I am waiting for it to grow.
Let's start with what happened during this 6 months period:
- I lost my virginity - my biggest issue of 2014 if I recall. It was a pleasant experience.
- I earned my first money ever with my own efforts - $ 333 to me precise. I started an info product activity. This is not much, of course, but it's a good start. The official start was at the end of November, but the strategy and thinking started in July. I almost cried when I had the first student who paid for my course. It's a question of perseverance and good marketing to move these figures to 4-5 digits.
- I am open to use my real name/profile/picture in promoting my courses. I remember I had a strong inner debate as I didn't have the courage to expose myself.
- I am more and more aggressive to bullsh*t, to people manipulations.
- I ended some relationships with "friends" and it was a good decision.
- My productivity increased a lot - still, it's not at the level I would like it to be, but it's higher than when I started AM training.
- Since January I am no longer watching / reading anything related to news, mass-media. It's just manipulation. Last Friday I opened some online newspapers and I laughed

- I still use facebook but on a business sense as I will run some facebook ads in the near future. Otherwise, I am not interested much in what others are doing. From time to time I am opening some profiles, but not for a long time.
- I read few and few blogs - only the ones that truly matter. Before AM I read almost every sh*tty post/blog/blogger.
- I am respecting more and more those who made money. I don't judge the way they did it (it's their problem in the end).
- I tend to judge less and less people and specific situations. I am telling to myself that I don't have all the information and it's better to stop with the over-thinking. Unfortunately, I am not doing this every time as I am a very impatient/impulsive character, but this mind-shift is a big thing for me.
- did I tell you that I am not interested in the others' opinions - in general and in particular? E.g., I am in Toastmasters and I am preparing a speech for the up-coming competition. I refused to prepare it with others in group as I didn't like the superior attitude of a coach. I know I am smart enough to write/prepare a very good speech and I will do everything possible from my side to win.
- related to the previous point, I am reading less and less this forum.
- my body language improved - I stand and walk straight, and my voice became deeper and stronger (I am doing also vocal exercises for my competition speech).
- I am taking care of my health - during these months I did regular examinations - everything went fine.
- I am taking care of my face and hair as I have a very sensible skin because of the water it's used. Once my finances will be in good shape I will go to a cosmetic saloon and to a hairstylist.
- I am more aware that my days are passing and I have to make the most out of them.
- I have a strong sense of urgency.
- I had periods in Dec when I almost "died" - too many tasks to do at work and for my personal activity.
- often than before I am speaking calmer and stronger (if I am not stressed, sick, tired, nervous).
- I give money to charity on a regular level (I give around $30/month, but I want to increase it soon to $60).
- if i don't like a social situation, discussion I tend to say stop and leave often than before.
- I don't care much if I am ignored (though I still care, but not as much as before).
- if I did a mistake it's ok and I move on.
- I tend to gossip less but I want to lower it to almost zero gossip.
- during the 3 and 4 stage I had the impression that this program is useless - all the improvement seemed to vanish away, I had strong insomnia, weak inner-self, negative states.
- I stopped with PSTEC & other improvement techniques starting the middle of stage 3. I am using from time to time bwe meditation from a competitor. It was a good decision to stop pstec.
- since Jan I stared to cook and this is a big thing for me.
- regarding fitness, I am doing regular exercises but due to my work activities I have less and less time. Plus, I had a back injury for 3 months.
This is what I recall from doing AM5. Now, I will take every point from the sale page of the program and comment it:
Increased self confidence - yes, but there is a strong room to improve.
Increased self-respect - yes, but thee the next point.
Improved self-control - yes and no. No, because I am still watching porn and masturbate. The longer period I resisted was for 2 months and I felt very good despite the fact that my libido decreased.
Less interest in and concern with what others think of you, your choices or your actions - Yes, that is a big plus.
More interest and comfort in being your own man and doing your own thing - yes
Better self esteem - yes
More positive self-image - yes, but sometimes I still have a negative image of myself in relation to women.
Stronger sense of self - yes
Being able to handle rejection without taking it personally - yes, a girl friend-zoned me recently and it wasn't the end of the world. I wished her good luck and I moved on.
More social confidence - mmm, don't know what to say, but I think it's as before. I am not a social guy, unfortunately and AM didn't helped at all at that.
Less to no social anxiety - see the previous comment
Enjoying socializing more - see the previous comment
Much more confidence and relaxation when dealing with women in general, and especially those you find attractive - see the previous comment and no.
Willingness, confidence and ability to simply walk away from situations you don’t like -YES
Refusal to allow yourself to be taken advantage of, walked on or treated poorly by anyone, but especially women - YES
Alpha/Dominant male body language - don't know what is the standard, but my body language improved.
Alpha/Dominant male attitude - again, don't know what is the standard, but my attitude improved.
Alpha/Dominant male “aura” of unexplainable sexual attractiveness that women love so much - it's related to nofap. Every time I didn't think at women for a longer period of time and I didn't fap women were very attractive to me.
Alpha/Dominant male eye contact and communication - yes and no. The eye contact is ok, stable, series. I still have problems with the communication part.
Better, more easily expressed sense of humor - if I am not stresses, sad I have a good sense of humor.
Enjoying the company of others, and especially beautiful women, more and more comfortably and easily - no, I am an introvert guy. AM didn't help me much with the socialization part
Seeking out beautiful women to enjoy the company of - related to the previous comment. Plus, I don't have a strong "game" to play with women. I am very rockie.
Having beautiful women notice you more, find you more attractive, and want to be with you more, physically, sexually, romantically and emotionally - related to the nofap thing mentioned above.
Treating (and taking) socializing as just a fun game - NO, unfortunately.
Being entirely unconcerned with getting the interest of any woman, because you know there are plenty more where she came from - I am not concerned but I wished I were a more social, easy-going guy.
Refusing to allow females to dominate or control you - YES
Taking care of yourself better, in terms of exercise, eating, hygiene and dress - YES, the dress part needs to improve.
Acceptance of, and feelings of deservedness of, being treated well - yes
Deserving respect from others - yes
Self-love and liking yourself - in general, yes.
Valuing yourself - yes, but with women I think I need to value myself more.
Extended ego balancing - I think my ego skyrocket during the AM training. I ha previously a strong ego, but right now it's unbelievable.
Strong, centered masculinity and masculine presence - my masculine presence needs to be improved.
Destruction of negativity within you concerning yourself and others, and replacement with positivity - the positivity part needs to be stronger as it is now.
Self-acceptance with continual striving to be better than you are - YES
Destruction of laziness - yes, but it's still a big room for improvement
Motivation boost - YES
Doing what needs to be done, because it needs to be done, and that is the way of the Alpha - yes
Extroversion enhancement and training - NO (and I feel sorry for that)
Self-forgiveness - yes
Social stability, skill and strength - NO!
Overcome abandonment issues - didn't have big issues with that before.
Success training - YES
Gratitude - YES, but it started to be in place in the 6th stage. Before, it was exactly the opposite.
Self-trust - yes
See yourself as man, instead of boy - yes, but the man part needs to be improve
Leadership training and development - not so much I must say.
Decisiveness training - yes, I tend to be more decisive. If I catch myself to hesitate I step back.
Authenticity and congruency training - yes, but I didn't have issues before.
Destruction of jealousy and possessiveness, and replacement with self-security, self-reliance and self-satisfaction - the jealousy part decreased but there is a room to improve.
Constant self-growth and progress - yes.
So, that was it - 6 Months of AM5. This is the 3rd attempt (I failed miserably with the previous two) and I consider a success.
What's next? I was thinking at that very seriously for the past weeks. I am not convinced that BASE is the answer right now. I started this business activity, there are many things to learn but I don't think BASE will help me much. So, for the moment BASE is a No.
Attract your Sexual Lover - I was thinking at that sub very seriously as I want to have some fun. I am working very much at my business activity coupled with the work hours. And I need some moments of pleasure (that's why I don't want to start with BASE which will hyper focus my energy only on the business part). This sub could be the answer to my problem.
SM - Definitely no for many reasons.
WM - maybe, but I don't want to focus all my energy on the women side. Again, it's a no.
AM6 - No as well. Too expensive. Better to start with BASE but as I've said I don't think the time is right.
AM5 was a very good experience for the $ 87 I payed for. It added a lot of value into my life and I am thinking seriously to start a second complete run.
I don't know what to choose - Attract your sexual lover for 4 - 5 months (and I am sure that my personal development will increase during this period) or AM5.
What do you think guys?
In the end, Thank You Shannon for your efforts, dedication and honesty. Buying and using this product was a very good decision and it payed off the "effort" of listening (an average of a constant 12/h day exposure throughout each stage).