01-25-2015, 07:38 PM
Stage 1, Day 22,
Woke up after a 9+ hour sleep; felt lethargic, same as yesterday. Got to work feeling fine. During my break, my manager gave me a free pair of dress shoes, just because my feet are his size (he wasn't crazy about them). I think they look good, and they'll probably go well with my jeans.
I intended to study tonight, but didn't even go there. I don't really need to tonight, though my finals are Wednesday. I'll be meeting with somebody tomorrow afternoon, and we're going to go through the class content together.
I'm changing up my goals. I was successful in doing my 15 day exercise plan; it was more for form than anything. Now, I'm doing a course of 'Yoked' by Jason Ferruggia for upper back and traps (my weak spot). I'm also going to do some focusing on abs and glute, which are other weak spots.
I've reviewed some longer term goals, and I'm feeling pretty good about where I'm headed. Just have to rehearse for my case study tomorrow.
Woke up after a 9+ hour sleep; felt lethargic, same as yesterday. Got to work feeling fine. During my break, my manager gave me a free pair of dress shoes, just because my feet are his size (he wasn't crazy about them). I think they look good, and they'll probably go well with my jeans.
I intended to study tonight, but didn't even go there. I don't really need to tonight, though my finals are Wednesday. I'll be meeting with somebody tomorrow afternoon, and we're going to go through the class content together.
I'm changing up my goals. I was successful in doing my 15 day exercise plan; it was more for form than anything. Now, I'm doing a course of 'Yoked' by Jason Ferruggia for upper back and traps (my weak spot). I'm also going to do some focusing on abs and glute, which are other weak spots.
I've reviewed some longer term goals, and I'm feeling pretty good about where I'm headed. Just have to rehearse for my case study tomorrow.
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