12-27-2014, 12:29 AM
Our subconscious minds are crazy. I wouldn't say the program hasn't worked, and I wouldn't look for results at all because you have no clue what the deep part of your mind is conjuring up. There's no way to make women magically fall into your lap, but your subconscious mind could be working right now to get you to do something that will make you become a man that gets women like crazy. Maybe that's even why you have BAMM on your mind, who knows. Maybe you'll become a youtube star, could be anything, but if your subconscious mind accepted the programming than right now it's working hard to make it a reality. You should read some books on the subconscious mind, and I think you will just relax and know the program will work no matter what if your subconscious mind accepts it, and your subconscious mind will accept it no matter what if you listen to it enough, especially since it's something you consciously want too. With Alpha you noticed so many changes so fast because it was changing your thoughts and actions. SM is getting women to want sex from you, so your subconscious mind needs to lead you into a life where that becomes a reality, so who knows what your future holds. If your subconscious accepted the program you will end up being a man that women are drawn to sexually, there's no question about it, but this stuff doesn't happen over night, and in my opinion expecting it in 6 months even is crazy because who knows what has to happen in your life for it to become reality. If it was a feel horny all the time sub, sure you'd get results because it's just changing you, it's not changing how other people are. I wouldn't be surprised if sometime in the future you have a huge status boost, or financial boost since those two things could make the programming a reality. Your subconscious is going to lead you down a path that makes the programming a reality if it accepted the programming. I have no idea time wise, but I'd put money down that you become a high status man, a fairly wealthy man, or both if this program wasn't resisted. Or maybe you'll become some master PUA, who knows, but I wouldn't expect results from this in the same way as alpha because you need to change into a man that is extremely sexually desirable. I'm sure alpha is still working in you too if you haven't manifested an amazing social circle yet. These things take time, and lots of change. If you read a bunch of books about the subconscious mind I think you won't doubt for a second that you will get the results you're looking for, the only thing standing in the way is time because your life could have to change dramatically for the programming to be true in the real world. Example would be Justin Bieber became a sex magnet, but look how dramatically his life changed before it happened. It's hard for me to get what's in my head into other peoples heads so sorry if this is just a bunch of mumbo jumbo to you, but I recommend reading up on the subconscious mind and I think you'll begin to feel better about what right now seems like a lack of results.