12-08-2014, 05:54 AM
Day 23
Normally during the holiday season (3 months or so), I am am a massive B!+:#. I have noticed since using EPHRA, I am much calmer this year. Even singing Christmas Carols (when not listening to my subs). My family thanks you Shannon.
Also, for the past couple of days the only thing that I can focus on is getting organized. I haven't been able to do it since the management change due to my work load. Now I can't get my work done because I need, no HAVE to get everything all in order. Lol
It seems that I more or less have accepted the way things are at work. I may get aggravated for a minute them it's gone, Not worth the stress. I am just waiting for the chance to transfer to another line of business or to get my AF on. In actuality i have come to realize that my direct manager is just a bully and pissed that he was demoted down from a Regioal position it is not me personally, he just feels that I can be walked on and taken advantage of. I can't change peoples mentality, just fix what I can on my end. I do have a couple of strong supporters on my end too.
Normally during the holiday season (3 months or so), I am am a massive B!+:#. I have noticed since using EPHRA, I am much calmer this year. Even singing Christmas Carols (when not listening to my subs). My family thanks you Shannon.
Also, for the past couple of days the only thing that I can focus on is getting organized. I haven't been able to do it since the management change due to my work load. Now I can't get my work done because I need, no HAVE to get everything all in order. Lol
It seems that I more or less have accepted the way things are at work. I may get aggravated for a minute them it's gone, Not worth the stress. I am just waiting for the chance to transfer to another line of business or to get my AF on. In actuality i have come to realize that my direct manager is just a bully and pissed that he was demoted down from a Regioal position it is not me personally, he just feels that I can be walked on and taken advantage of. I can't change peoples mentality, just fix what I can on my end. I do have a couple of strong supporters on my end too.