11-25-2014, 10:08 PM
Stage 5, Day 29
I'm on very shaky ground emotionally; I keep crying and clearing, and crying and clearing.
However, I've been doing some work on resonating sex and money.
Wanna learn how to resonate the feeling of money?
Imagine yourself opening up a thick envelope full of 100$ bills, and count them one by one. Feel the feel, and see the colours; my countries money is colourful, so it's a bit easier. It should be a believable number; I tend to do fine up to 1000$ (10 bills).
Then, hold the total and go through a list of things that you could potentially buy with that 1000$; not total purchase, but each purchase of the amount, in this example, 1000$. It could be a 900$ down payment, a 700$ guitar, a 850$ suit, etc.
It should feel like it could happen, if not, then doubt will creep in, and you won't feel like it could happen (belief/faith, the whole point of the exercise). You want to resonate the feeling of as much money as you can, not the doubt that stops it.
Anyways, my day went alright, and I did pretty great on my midterm, which puts me in a great position for finals.
I spent a large amount of time figuring out more about the major/minor scales on the guitar. It's pretty incredible how much I'm uncovering. Someone who plays guitar, and really wants to improve, should contact me, and I'll give you 15+ minutes over Skype to explain some of it to you.
I'm on very shaky ground emotionally; I keep crying and clearing, and crying and clearing.
However, I've been doing some work on resonating sex and money.
Wanna learn how to resonate the feeling of money?
Imagine yourself opening up a thick envelope full of 100$ bills, and count them one by one. Feel the feel, and see the colours; my countries money is colourful, so it's a bit easier. It should be a believable number; I tend to do fine up to 1000$ (10 bills).
Then, hold the total and go through a list of things that you could potentially buy with that 1000$; not total purchase, but each purchase of the amount, in this example, 1000$. It could be a 900$ down payment, a 700$ guitar, a 850$ suit, etc.
It should feel like it could happen, if not, then doubt will creep in, and you won't feel like it could happen (belief/faith, the whole point of the exercise). You want to resonate the feeling of as much money as you can, not the doubt that stops it.
Anyways, my day went alright, and I did pretty great on my midterm, which puts me in a great position for finals.
I spent a large amount of time figuring out more about the major/minor scales on the guitar. It's pretty incredible how much I'm uncovering. Someone who plays guitar, and really wants to improve, should contact me, and I'll give you 15+ minutes over Skype to explain some of it to you.
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