(10-11-2014, 07:58 AM)sebastian Wrote: No offend here, but I am wondering why are you so obsessed with penis enlargement. And I don't even think you are as small as it sounds like.
this is something i wanted ever since i was 13-14.Most guys got bigger cocks when hit the age of 13 yet mine grew only a little at the time when it is suppose to have the biggest growth spurt.It's small and it's not because of my height or anything, every angle i look at it it is small.If i had to choose between a jacked up muscular body and small penis and thin body and a big penis i would take the thin body with the bigger penis 100/100 times without blinkin an eye.Confidence? Better sex? Symmetry? Aesthethics?
People have made the comparation between tits and penis....It's invalid.Tits are barely usable during sex yet a cock is the most important tool during sex so tits do not equal cock.
Why do you want for example alpha male? The most important sub for me is this while the most important sub for someone else is alpha male.
My main emphasis is on length. i want a loooooonger penis mainly, my girth is perfectly fine.Im thin so having a big dick would made me make up in other areas if you know what i mean!