08-19-2014, 06:16 PM
(08-19-2014, 05:49 PM)SargeMaximus Wrote: Lol, actually my doctor told me today that I need calcium. Anyhow I agree, new thread!
Be careful, physicians often mistake a calcium deficiency with a Vit D deficiency as they mistake an iron deficiency with an zinc deficiency.
They just look at your blood and see calcium is missing there, so let's give him calcium not looking deeper for the reason WHY there is no calcium there. It could be that you lack Vit D which is crucial for Calcium Absorbtion. You could take all the Calcium supplements that you want and it would all go down the toilet. Literally... like through your urine. If you're lucky, that is... if not it get's stuck in your heart.
Vit D Deficiency is VERY common 9 of 10 people have it, but don't ask your doctor about Vit D supplements as the RDA for VIT D is 800 IE... which is a drop of piss. I take about 50000 daily, I would even take 100 000 like many other people did before but It would be quite expensive for me to increase the Vit K accordingly that has to go with it. Not saying you don't have a calcium deficiency, you could, but if you have a Vit D deficiency as well you'd would have to fix that first, otherwise you can't fix the Ca deficiency efficiently. And still before Ca you have to check Vit K, or Calcium will cause the above described heart attack, and then still you're not done... again magnesium first, calcium second. So even if you have a calcium deficiency, you have to fix your deficiencies in the right order, and by the time you fixed your Vit D deficiency I would bet your Calcium deficiency "mysteriously" be vanished by then so you'll never have to fix it... But, yeah... new Thread.