08-18-2014, 05:54 AM
Starting day 12 now. I feel like I'm developing a more zen like attitude and living in the moment more. I knew I had a lot of issues with the past (resentment, grudges, disappointment, ect.) but EPRHA seems to be helping me out. One of my biggest sources of pain is a failed relationship that ended over a year and half ago and still weighs on me everyday but the pain is fading
. I seem to be staying calmer and more focused as well. I don't know where life is going to take me but for the first time in a long time I'm ok with that, I just want to enjoy the ride and my sense of new found freedom. I've been using 5g Subs for a little over 1.5 months and I don't why the whole world does not know about this technology. We are kind of like pioneers and it feels good.

Sub history approximate total usage in months: ASC 5G -2.5 / EPRHA 5G - 3 / LTU 5G – 9 / AM 5G – 13 / E2 5.5G – 15 / DMSI 5.5G – 4 / LTU 5.5G – 11 / UMS 5.75G – 3 / OF V2 5.75G - 1.5 / E4 5.75G - 9.25 / OF V3 5.75G - Current