Hi Nationwide, also sorry to hear about your parents. I've been reading your journal with much interest ahead of my own run of AM6 later this month. Regarding your dream about archery, I think the central bullseye of an archery target is called the gold so I'm wondering if you are soon going to "hit the bullseye" and uncover some psychological gold? Or maybe even some real gold 
Also, I'm so glad to hear you mention about how the fireworks start up at the beginning of each stage and then subside over the 32 days, because this is how the subs seem to affect me also. I see the biggest results during the first 10 to 15 days, then less and less results. I think this has counted against me with single stage subs, but since AM6 has 6 stages the constant change should keep the results coming.
Anyways, thanks for the inspiration and good luck with the rest of AM6.

Also, I'm so glad to hear you mention about how the fireworks start up at the beginning of each stage and then subside over the 32 days, because this is how the subs seem to affect me also. I see the biggest results during the first 10 to 15 days, then less and less results. I think this has counted against me with single stage subs, but since AM6 has 6 stages the constant change should keep the results coming.
Anyways, thanks for the inspiration and good luck with the rest of AM6.