06-21-2014, 10:43 PM
Hey, thanks Ricardo. Glad you're enjoying the show. 
Originally I was going to do SM 3.0. In fact, I've already purchased it, but I am very intrigued by the BASE 5g project that Shannon is currently working on. Timing is perfect for that since I'm relocating soon and starting a new career (at 56 years old, no less). It will be one of those two.
What are you listening to these days?
I'm currently listening to ASC which is my first Shannon sub. I have tried others through the years (I'm 47) which never worked or even gave a hint of working. The ASC is my first and 5G, so I was a bit unprepared for the demands on my brain. After the first play yesterday I got very tired, watery eyes and some nausea but it was mild and passed off. After ASC I'm looking to use AOS and BIATBW in conjunction 8hrs or so each a day for 3 months. I'm not bothering with a journal for ASC but will for the other two. Looking to start them around end of July. I was becoming like one of those old boys you mentioned earlier who constantly moan about how life has passed them by so I decided to take some action and discovered this place

Originally I was going to do SM 3.0. In fact, I've already purchased it, but I am very intrigued by the BASE 5g project that Shannon is currently working on. Timing is perfect for that since I'm relocating soon and starting a new career (at 56 years old, no less). It will be one of those two.
What are you listening to these days?
I'm currently listening to ASC which is my first Shannon sub. I have tried others through the years (I'm 47) which never worked or even gave a hint of working. The ASC is my first and 5G, so I was a bit unprepared for the demands on my brain. After the first play yesterday I got very tired, watery eyes and some nausea but it was mild and passed off. After ASC I'm looking to use AOS and BIATBW in conjunction 8hrs or so each a day for 3 months. I'm not bothering with a journal for ASC but will for the other two. Looking to start them around end of July. I was becoming like one of those old boys you mentioned earlier who constantly moan about how life has passed them by so I decided to take some action and discovered this place