11-21-2010, 08:43 AM
Yeah... it was funny because one of the players was like, "this is ghetto jeopardy" which I thought that was funny, then he says, "umm... ghetto wheel of fortune".
I was about to gag from all of the cigarette smoke, lol! The party in itself was okay except the hostess got way too drunk and knocking stuff off into the floor (PGA punch). I dunno but those drinking games seems like a good way to get alcohol poisoning
Some guy wanted to do shots with me but I was buzzing bigtime and I was like "no way". I had to drive home and the last thing I want is to get pulled over or run over someone or something. I already had 3 shots of hot damn (100 proof) in me, a glass and a half of wine and did one toke which I thought was enough for me
I really have no regrets going... it was fun in a way but it's something that I won't be repeating anytime soon.
I had an attention span of a housefly it seemed when I got in. I watched stuff on youtube and couldn't finish watching the videos hardly... kept changing them. Then I wrote in my computer journal and put on some latin dance music (salsa and bachata). I wrote some then I got up and started dancing (lol).
I was spazzy to the max to say the least.
I was about to gag from all of the cigarette smoke, lol! The party in itself was okay except the hostess got way too drunk and knocking stuff off into the floor (PGA punch). I dunno but those drinking games seems like a good way to get alcohol poisoning

Some guy wanted to do shots with me but I was buzzing bigtime and I was like "no way". I had to drive home and the last thing I want is to get pulled over or run over someone or something. I already had 3 shots of hot damn (100 proof) in me, a glass and a half of wine and did one toke which I thought was enough for me

I really have no regrets going... it was fun in a way but it's something that I won't be repeating anytime soon.
I had an attention span of a housefly it seemed when I got in. I watched stuff on youtube and couldn't finish watching the videos hardly... kept changing them. Then I wrote in my computer journal and put on some latin dance music (salsa and bachata). I wrote some then I got up and started dancing (lol).
I was spazzy to the max to say the least.

Get your pickles!!!