10-18-2010, 02:46 PM
Something snapped in me today and I finally let up on my massive ego. This has been building for a while and I've had results similar to it when I was doing Natural Grounding hardcore last year. You see, I'm big in to not pursuing women...at least as a general mindset, but sometimes I let my standards fight against my natural feelings and I identify too strongly with not giving away any power and that is due to insecurities and I know this now. Releasing these insecurities is what is most important because I have attracted the attention of some beautiful women in the past, but it didn't really make much of a difference to my overall sense of being meaning my self esteem, confidence(well short boost, but you know) and looking back, the only times I did attract them was when I was really feeling my masculine power in a non-egoic state or at even before when I didn't have a lot of social skills and they just thought I was really hot,haha, but the point is that the women don't really matter all that much and now that I am reaching levels where I am caring less and less what others think of me with every passing day, I am finally understanding real indifference and attaining the state where I can say whatever I want and not care what anyome thinks of that. As a result, most everything I say is golden or it seems that way. I have been having absolutely and consistently fantastic results lately. I owe a large part of that to the alpha set, but also to concious reframing as well. I am deciding where I want to go and living that type of life. I realize now that it isn't the pursuing of women on a concious level that is what's important, but more the energy behind it. As a result, I find myself doing things that I would have considered pursuing in the past, but now don't because the result doesn't matter a whole lot to me. For a while there I was totally indifferent to women and now I'm totally indifferent to any outcome with them, but really love them as a whole. I think things are finally coming together, all of this stuff that I had within me from my years in the seduction community(Not a healthy community, but I learned some useful things) is coming out in healthy ways now that I have positive mental programming and a toned down ego to really make it shine. I like the way things are going. 
Also, two girls have told me within a week that they had dreams about me. One was a sexual one...somewhat and another had a dream that she was in a relationship with me. These things keep happening more and more. I think it's hilarious.

Also, two girls have told me within a week that they had dreams about me. One was a sexual one...somewhat and another had a dream that she was in a relationship with me. These things keep happening more and more. I think it's hilarious.
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