02-06-2014, 01:02 PM
This thread is Geodude bait. lol.
FasterEFT or any effective releasing modality will clear the walls of resistance so that the subs go "straight to the dome."
Personally, that means that the subliminal will affect me much more profoundly than someone who doesn't tap.
In LTU 3.0, I noticed big results after 2-3 days. It's also been bringing up DEEP issues from my psyche.
I get a lot of questions on how to tap to get the subs to work better. The answer is to tap on yourself for everything that triggers you. Go through all of your traumatic memories and clear them all to zero. Your mind will become an open field to which you can now plant seeds of positive thought.
FasterEFT or any effective releasing modality will clear the walls of resistance so that the subs go "straight to the dome."
Personally, that means that the subliminal will affect me much more profoundly than someone who doesn't tap.
In LTU 3.0, I noticed big results after 2-3 days. It's also been bringing up DEEP issues from my psyche.
I get a lot of questions on how to tap to get the subs to work better. The answer is to tap on yourself for everything that triggers you. Go through all of your traumatic memories and clear them all to zero. Your mind will become an open field to which you can now plant seeds of positive thought.