10-05-2013, 01:59 AM
(10-05-2013, 01:20 AM)FREAK4LIFE Wrote: I strongly urge you to go out and test what your are claiming out in theory and see what the results are. It should become very clear in a few years as to how the universe really sort of works. But then that could change for year to year as well i.e. your thoughts and how the whole system works. I don't claim to know exactly how it works but I have sort of figured out bits and pieces about how it works for me. Could be my reality at the moment, who knows?
Well living should be enough to start to experience this phenomenon. To be honest, in my religious days, I did have a lot of "karma" type instances, that all changed once I learned about the Shadow.
I think a lot of what we call "karma" is really just our subconscious trying to get our conscious mind to see and accept something that we are trying to ignore. I find that if you look everything in the eye and accept it, it becomes near impossible for self-sabotage or "karma" to be a force in your life.
But yeah, I totally agree with your reality thing. In my opinion: Perception is reality.
You are the God of your world, and I am the God of mine. We make our world how we want it to be, "karma" and all.
(10-05-2013, 01:20 AM)FREAK4LIFE Wrote: I just know from experience the minor shitty things in the past that I thought wouldn't matter sorta came back ten fold and in the least ways expected and when it did and I thought about it I was like "DAMN! I am getting THIS for THAT", maybe my mind tried to cope with whatever I was going through bringing up that old stuff up and somehow connecting it but it happened too many times for it to be a coincidence anymore. I just know it now!
Yeah, like I said, I used to have that too. I'm relatively sure it's because of the Shadow. Look up "Carl Jung's Shadow" on google, and learn about it/apply it if you want this to no longer be an influence in your life.
Granted there will always be cause and effect, but you can control that once you take full responsibility for all your thoughts and actions, which includes learning about the Shadow.
Basically it works like this: whatever you find MORALLY objectionable, wrong or whatever you hate about a person, is actually a behavior that YOU have.
The trick to this, is acceptance. So, let's say I find arrogance VERY wrong. I see someone being arrogant and I'm like "Man alive! What an arrogant *sshole! People like that are just bad, blah blah blah"
To accept that as your shadow, you must simply do this:
"I accept the fact that I am arrogant. I accept the fact that others are arrogant and this is normal" and then you accept it as not only something you do/are, but you accept it as not being "wrong". It's just a behavior.
Why does this help with karma? Well that's a bit complicated but the basic idea of the shadow is that whatever is suppressed (i.e. behavior you think is wrong that is part of you) will manifest itself in your reality so that you finally accept it.
It's like ignoring a child. They will try harder and harder to get you to notice them. No one likes to be ignored, and you are literally ignoring parts of yourself.
So "karma" may simply be you interpreting something happening as a cause for your bad behavior.
In my example, let's say I get "victimized" by an arrogant person. I may think "Oh MAN! This is because I'VE been arrogant before!! Wow, what goes around comes around!"
Now, I may be accepting it in a way, but I'm really not because I still see it as "wrong" thus, I'm still resisting my own "dark" side that is arrogant. Arrogance is not something I just did, or that someone else just did, it is now a force in "karma".
Hope that makes sense, but look it up if you want to know more.
This is a HUGE part of self-acceptance, healing, life progress, and a sound mind.
(10-05-2013, 01:20 AM)FREAK4LIFE Wrote: On another note, I would like a harem too with free love and lots of orgies,HAHA
Sounds awesome! Invite me and I'll bring my girls!