06-24-2013, 08:29 AM
(06-23-2013, 11:06 AM)TheGraduate Wrote: What I've noticed is that it doesn't so much change who I am, as it does enhance the qualities that I already have and put them into a more confident delivery.
That has been my experience as well over the years-except that I would add that when I do decide to really change who I am, and the programming supports that/it's a positive one, it's like wind on my back getting the job done.
Quote:I also have so-so nights. Last night my brain felt asleep and although I did a couple approaches, I just couldn't break out of my brain shell. It felt like my brain wasn't awake or something. I just couldn't seem to pop.
I know how you feel. I used to use massive amounts of energy drinks, alcohol, drugs, whatever it took to force that state to put myself into the right mindset and energy level to make things happen. But I always paid for it. Shannon has been developing a line of tech that will help put us into the right "mindsets" and energy levels very quickly so we can get there in a healthy way and take control of life more. Although I'm not so crazy as in my younger days, I did find a way to achieve the same thing through meditation but...say you've got 5-10 minutes, you're in your car and you gotta put your brain in to high gear? Who's got time for that.
Quote:But that's to be expected. If every day was perfect I'd be Bradley Cooper in Limitless, which is a total fantasy and not possible. A least not in this world and this time.
Sure...but I think having stories like in your first post every day is certainly possible if you want it enough

Andrew // Site Architect "Attack its weak point for massive damage" -Giant Enemy Crab