(01-30-2013, 04:14 PM)kiwigirl Wrote: People get jealous and unpleasant when you lose weight. Very unpleasant. I think that is one of the hardest parts about it.
I'm not sure if it's so much jealousy as just not being able to understand why we would WANT to.
I weigh 135ish as of the last time I weighed myself... And I jiggle and have unsightly bulges in certain areas not usually visible...
I like to wear loose, flowy clothes, and I guess this effectively disguises my shape because NO ONE thinks I should lose any weight! Some people have even gone so far as to claim I should GAIN some!
I want to try to get down to about 120.
EDIT: Sorry, these are all in pounds. I'm one of those darned silly 'Mericans.