If we think how much BAMM would be worth, it's already having huge discounts even if it costs 4 figures.
Based on the results of other subs, if we had to pay the true worth of it, then we'll have to be multimillionaires to buy it lol.
And thanks for this great sale Shannon. Too bad 5Gs won't get into next sale. But I have more than a year and half to save for them, since I got so many subs.
And I am curious about one thing. Do you guys buy the ones you want only, or always end up having more than you can use?
I fit in second group. Can't resist these prices, even if I don't plan on using it too soon.
Based on the results of other subs, if we had to pay the true worth of it, then we'll have to be multimillionaires to buy it lol.
And thanks for this great sale Shannon. Too bad 5Gs won't get into next sale. But I have more than a year and half to save for them, since I got so many subs.
And I am curious about one thing. Do you guys buy the ones you want only, or always end up having more than you can use?
I fit in second group. Can't resist these prices, even if I don't plan on using it too soon.