09-30-2012, 02:54 PM
My younger brother and our boarder are insisting that the subliminal is giving them migraines and making them more irritable. They insisted that I shut it off RIGHT THEN. They also spouted all sorts of other nonsense about the ultrasonics trying to kill them... 
I insisted that I was not going to shut it off right then because then their precious placebo effect they were accusing me of having would definitely hit them big time. Shoot, I'm pretty damned sure all they're having now is a damned placebo.
I told them I'd shut it off randomly and if they complained about headaches at all while it's off, then their jig is up.
So here's what's going to happen.
I'm going to not change my habits with music just to keep them from having any chance at guessing it's off or not. I'm also going to create an audio file in audacity with complete silence for exactly the same length as the sub, rename the sub, and name that file with the sub's file name. I'm going to run that file instead starting tomorrow morning.
Depending on what happens during the week, I'm going to then quite probably generate another file in audacity with a single tone ultrasonic for the entire duration of the file at the same amplitude as the highest found amplitude in Shannon's sub after I perform a cursory spectral analysis of the file... I'll run that next week for a week.
If they DON'T have any headaches while there's no ultrasonics playing at all, but do when I start running my fixed tone ultrasonic, then I'm afraid I'm going to have to stop using these products. At least until I can get new speakers.
I should mention that my speakers are showing their age and throwing out quite large EMF readings. Approaching 1 gauss while the ultrasonics are playing... It has been their assertion that it is these EMF's that are bothering them. They have also insisted that the ultrasonics themselves are bothering them. My speakers are rated for well over 20kHz, but I will set a fixed tone of exactly 20kHz for my second weeks testing unless Shannon believes a different fixed tone would be better for the purpose.
I may be skeptical of the products efficacy, but there's no way I believe for a minute that prolonged migraines and irritability is being caused by it. But I am still going to need to take a 2 week break to prove it to them.
I will perform this entire experiment secretly of course. I will only report the findings to them after the fact.

I insisted that I was not going to shut it off right then because then their precious placebo effect they were accusing me of having would definitely hit them big time. Shoot, I'm pretty damned sure all they're having now is a damned placebo.
I told them I'd shut it off randomly and if they complained about headaches at all while it's off, then their jig is up.
So here's what's going to happen.
I'm going to not change my habits with music just to keep them from having any chance at guessing it's off or not. I'm also going to create an audio file in audacity with complete silence for exactly the same length as the sub, rename the sub, and name that file with the sub's file name. I'm going to run that file instead starting tomorrow morning.
Depending on what happens during the week, I'm going to then quite probably generate another file in audacity with a single tone ultrasonic for the entire duration of the file at the same amplitude as the highest found amplitude in Shannon's sub after I perform a cursory spectral analysis of the file... I'll run that next week for a week.
If they DON'T have any headaches while there's no ultrasonics playing at all, but do when I start running my fixed tone ultrasonic, then I'm afraid I'm going to have to stop using these products. At least until I can get new speakers.
I should mention that my speakers are showing their age and throwing out quite large EMF readings. Approaching 1 gauss while the ultrasonics are playing... It has been their assertion that it is these EMF's that are bothering them. They have also insisted that the ultrasonics themselves are bothering them. My speakers are rated for well over 20kHz, but I will set a fixed tone of exactly 20kHz for my second weeks testing unless Shannon believes a different fixed tone would be better for the purpose.
I may be skeptical of the products efficacy, but there's no way I believe for a minute that prolonged migraines and irritability is being caused by it. But I am still going to need to take a 2 week break to prove it to them.
I will perform this entire experiment secretly of course. I will only report the findings to them after the fact.