I'm noticing the last few nights my sex drive is up, with morning/night wood which is a good sign of it.
I also this morning looked in the mirror and in general in the feeling in my body noticed again that I definately have improved my physique in the time i've been using PM. When I was having resistance I couldn't see that as much and was questioning it.
Last night at toastmasters a new woman did a short 'social speech' and it was about some speaking event she spoke at, and was spouting all of this feminist nonsense (without going into it in any more detail due to the rules, but I don't think I can express the shift in mindset from PM that is towards masculinity without stating what it was about). I shook my head at one point but I don't think she was looking at me at the time, but what I did notice is either the few times she's been there she has perceived me in a certain way, or she noticed my vibe when she was speaking in that I thought it was retarded and completely disagreed with nearly all of it but she was looking at me much more than anyone else during speaking, and my friend said he noticed that when I mentioned it after the meeting.
I was talking to a guy after the meeting who organizes alot of stuff for toastmasters and he mentioned it and I said I disagreed with all of it, and he made this shocked sound and kind of moved a little and stood at the table looking down like he didn't know what to do or say, I found it entertaining and I said to my friend "I don't think he agrees with me". Then he started talking and actually did agree with alot of my points. But my friend said after that he wonders if this guy plays both sides (as in pretending to agree to both people on either side of something) and I think he might actually.
It's funny his impression of me. He said I should have went to that event to meet women, and pretend I agree with all of it. I straight away said that wouldn't work because they would be incompatible with me if i'm pretending and being fake and that doesn't work for a relationship, and he said "I wouldn't have thought you would want anything other than short term". Not sure why he has that impression, but it's interesting.
Then he mentioned another thing that he sent an email about that we could goto and be on a tv show talking about certain issues (a different subject than the above) and I replied saying no because from looking at the youtube channel it only spreads propoganda and pushes one side, also funny he agreed with me when I said that, but before that tried to criticize me for "not going because of my biases".
But each thing he said I countered and strongly stood for myself and my beliefs.
The thing that disgusted me a bit is that he then was trying to say that if I want a long term relationship I have to change my beliefs and go along with all of this nonsense that I am against, or even the suggestion to goto this event and pretend to be into it even when i'm strongly against it.
I think this shows the PM mindset kicking in I countered it all saying "no, if you are strong in your own beliefs you attract similar people into your life, I don't want anyone who is into that side of things".
Sadly his mindset of just pretending, being fake and going along with it all is fairly common in society especially with men. And I will not pretend to be into nonsense that I am completely against nor throw away the things that I stand for and stand against to meet some women I wouldn't really like anyway, or even in general in my life. I actually want to become MORE strong with this conviction.
He also tried to call me a 'troglodyte' to which I genuinely replied "actually thats a compliment at this point".
As being called things like that now really does mean you're on the right path.
It could be said as an argument against me from him or similar people "well you don't have a girlfriend and are having big problems meeting women" and that is true. But that isn't to do with me not pretending i'm into nonsense, but is due to trauma and fear stacking up to a pretty high level pretenting me from going for it like I used to. When I used to do well with women I still had these same beliefs and would attract women who resonate with that, who are feminine and receptive.. not masculine, disrespectful, rude etc which is generally what the side i'm against produces.
I also intend if she continues to bring more of this to the meetings to counter and push back with my own speeches and presentations. I didn't come to toastmasters to hear all the same bullshit and nonsense attacking and demeaning men that I get from every other direction in society and the media. I was hoping she would ask me something about it and I would have expressed my disagreement, but I didn't feel the need to go up and start conflict by being like "that stuff is nonsense" and wouldn't interrupt her presentation like that either as much as i'd like to, as others wouldn't do it to me with the supportive environment in toastmasters.
I also this morning looked in the mirror and in general in the feeling in my body noticed again that I definately have improved my physique in the time i've been using PM. When I was having resistance I couldn't see that as much and was questioning it.
Last night at toastmasters a new woman did a short 'social speech' and it was about some speaking event she spoke at, and was spouting all of this feminist nonsense (without going into it in any more detail due to the rules, but I don't think I can express the shift in mindset from PM that is towards masculinity without stating what it was about). I shook my head at one point but I don't think she was looking at me at the time, but what I did notice is either the few times she's been there she has perceived me in a certain way, or she noticed my vibe when she was speaking in that I thought it was retarded and completely disagreed with nearly all of it but she was looking at me much more than anyone else during speaking, and my friend said he noticed that when I mentioned it after the meeting.
I was talking to a guy after the meeting who organizes alot of stuff for toastmasters and he mentioned it and I said I disagreed with all of it, and he made this shocked sound and kind of moved a little and stood at the table looking down like he didn't know what to do or say, I found it entertaining and I said to my friend "I don't think he agrees with me". Then he started talking and actually did agree with alot of my points. But my friend said after that he wonders if this guy plays both sides (as in pretending to agree to both people on either side of something) and I think he might actually.
It's funny his impression of me. He said I should have went to that event to meet women, and pretend I agree with all of it. I straight away said that wouldn't work because they would be incompatible with me if i'm pretending and being fake and that doesn't work for a relationship, and he said "I wouldn't have thought you would want anything other than short term". Not sure why he has that impression, but it's interesting.
Then he mentioned another thing that he sent an email about that we could goto and be on a tv show talking about certain issues (a different subject than the above) and I replied saying no because from looking at the youtube channel it only spreads propoganda and pushes one side, also funny he agreed with me when I said that, but before that tried to criticize me for "not going because of my biases".
But each thing he said I countered and strongly stood for myself and my beliefs.
The thing that disgusted me a bit is that he then was trying to say that if I want a long term relationship I have to change my beliefs and go along with all of this nonsense that I am against, or even the suggestion to goto this event and pretend to be into it even when i'm strongly against it.
I think this shows the PM mindset kicking in I countered it all saying "no, if you are strong in your own beliefs you attract similar people into your life, I don't want anyone who is into that side of things".
Sadly his mindset of just pretending, being fake and going along with it all is fairly common in society especially with men. And I will not pretend to be into nonsense that I am completely against nor throw away the things that I stand for and stand against to meet some women I wouldn't really like anyway, or even in general in my life. I actually want to become MORE strong with this conviction.
He also tried to call me a 'troglodyte' to which I genuinely replied "actually thats a compliment at this point".
As being called things like that now really does mean you're on the right path.
It could be said as an argument against me from him or similar people "well you don't have a girlfriend and are having big problems meeting women" and that is true. But that isn't to do with me not pretending i'm into nonsense, but is due to trauma and fear stacking up to a pretty high level pretenting me from going for it like I used to. When I used to do well with women I still had these same beliefs and would attract women who resonate with that, who are feminine and receptive.. not masculine, disrespectful, rude etc which is generally what the side i'm against produces.
I also intend if she continues to bring more of this to the meetings to counter and push back with my own speeches and presentations. I didn't come to toastmasters to hear all the same bullshit and nonsense attacking and demeaning men that I get from every other direction in society and the media. I was hoping she would ask me something about it and I would have expressed my disagreement, but I didn't feel the need to go up and start conflict by being like "that stuff is nonsense" and wouldn't interrupt her presentation like that either as much as i'd like to, as others wouldn't do it to me with the supportive environment in toastmasters.