Yesterday, 11:51 AM
Found some more auditions, with more demanding repertoire, went to practice it today to check it out and got frustrated a bit after the proverbial High Notes were not taking off to my satisfaction, lol. But this feeling of frustration passed mostly after I went back home and listened to OSC. So the improved self-confidence is there, it just needs to stabilize/become more permanent, I think.
No more wonky sensation pretty much these past few days, I could get used to this. I still get dreams, but they're also less wonky/have fewer "I'm fighting off numerous people" themes to them.
While awaiting OED 6G, and X4A-1600 being most probably the next program I'll be running, I tested out taking 10 mg taladafil (you can get this stuff over-the-counter around here, lewl). It did make my erections stronger and thus made me feel more confident as well. So I may be supporting myself using it every now and again while X4Aing in circumstances in which sex could result, we'll see how it goes.
No more wonky sensation pretty much these past few days, I could get used to this. I still get dreams, but they're also less wonky/have fewer "I'm fighting off numerous people" themes to them.
While awaiting OED 6G, and X4A-1600 being most probably the next program I'll be running, I tested out taking 10 mg taladafil (you can get this stuff over-the-counter around here, lewl). It did make my erections stronger and thus made me feel more confident as well. So I may be supporting myself using it every now and again while X4Aing in circumstances in which sex could result, we'll see how it goes.
"A man who is doing his True Will has the inertia of the Universe to assist him." - A. Crowley