Maybe 10 loops is doing something.
Last night in bed my sex drive coming up more again. I had a weird dream that i'm confused about, but it's obviously something around girls and sex as that's what I woke up thinking about.
I was some kind of villain, and dressed up like one, from where I remember in the dream I was walking with someone else with backpacks on and walked past a group of people and told them that we are going to destroy batman. One of them said "watch out up further ahead".
Then I walked further and there was this rope across the road, I walked into it and it moved a bit then I just stepped over it. I looked across from me and there was a girl there, like she had set a trap to trip me over.
I went over to her and was trying to recruit her, really because I wanted to have sex with her. So I was like "do you want to join the revolution" and she didn't, then I decided to be honest and I went and whispered to her "well, you have nice legs anyway". Then the dream ended.
One reason I feel that 10 loops is working in some ways also seems to confirm my thought that not wanting to hang out with my friends is partly resistance. I went down the street and seen a friend walking when I drove past, I waved but don't think he seen me. I messaged him about 15 minutes later and he was in a cafe so I went in and sat with him for a while. I felt more enthused to contact him and to hang out with him.
I feel like my vibe from PM has lessened, especially first since I had those 2 times of really noticable attention, then after that when I tried to work on my resistance and I interrupted it. I feel like it hasn't really come back like it was before since then. And a couple of other things that seemed to be starting to happen when I first started PM but that didn't continue or come back. Sadly i've had this on past programs where I have some motivation for some things I always put off and take some action towards it, then it disappears and doesn't really come back.
But still some signs i'm projecting some kind of vibe from it, it's annoying the full vibe hasn't come back though.
Last night in bed my sex drive coming up more again. I had a weird dream that i'm confused about, but it's obviously something around girls and sex as that's what I woke up thinking about.
I was some kind of villain, and dressed up like one, from where I remember in the dream I was walking with someone else with backpacks on and walked past a group of people and told them that we are going to destroy batman. One of them said "watch out up further ahead".
Then I walked further and there was this rope across the road, I walked into it and it moved a bit then I just stepped over it. I looked across from me and there was a girl there, like she had set a trap to trip me over.
I went over to her and was trying to recruit her, really because I wanted to have sex with her. So I was like "do you want to join the revolution" and she didn't, then I decided to be honest and I went and whispered to her "well, you have nice legs anyway". Then the dream ended.
One reason I feel that 10 loops is working in some ways also seems to confirm my thought that not wanting to hang out with my friends is partly resistance. I went down the street and seen a friend walking when I drove past, I waved but don't think he seen me. I messaged him about 15 minutes later and he was in a cafe so I went in and sat with him for a while. I felt more enthused to contact him and to hang out with him.
I feel like my vibe from PM has lessened, especially first since I had those 2 times of really noticable attention, then after that when I tried to work on my resistance and I interrupted it. I feel like it hasn't really come back like it was before since then. And a couple of other things that seemed to be starting to happen when I first started PM but that didn't continue or come back. Sadly i've had this on past programs where I have some motivation for some things I always put off and take some action towards it, then it disappears and doesn't really come back.
But still some signs i'm projecting some kind of vibe from it, it's annoying the full vibe hasn't come back though.