02-26-2025, 03:59 AM
Had some dreams which would indicate OSCing requires working through some further stuff (singing related in this particular case - like I'd feel guilt for being really self-confident which would discombobulate my competition and make 'em fail. TBH consciously I wouldn't mind that at all, lol. Git gud, peeps!) - I'm also noticing my self-confidence when I'm out and about fluctuates a bit from time to time. But I think the internal resistance should be handled easy-peasy now that I've got DRS v2 to handle *external* resistance (that and my tenacity and apparent indestructability, lol).
Kinda sad that OED 5.11G features the NDRS which is insufficient for my needs regarding that program as I'd get really heavily attacked whenever I'd try to run it - that's why it only worked well for two weeks, until the barrage of negativity, most of it - but not all of it - coming from my psycho ex girlfriend, undid all my progress. So that's unfortunate.
In the meantime I'm working on the physical aspects of my sexual prowess - personal physical fitness, as well as a visit to an endocrinologist to check-up my hormones and stuff after getting a prolactin bomb due to that shitty medication they put me on (risoperidol. If they offer you risoperidol and you value your sex life, ask them to give you an alternative medication; there's plenty that work the same way but without its sexual side-effects), hoping to maybe get put on testosterone replacement therapy to get my youtful mojo back, and to lose weight faster. We'll see how it goes, the first consultation is tomorrow. Because my libido is back and everything works from beginning-to-end, so to speak, but it's nothing like it was before the medication.
Kinda sad that OED 5.11G features the NDRS which is insufficient for my needs regarding that program as I'd get really heavily attacked whenever I'd try to run it - that's why it only worked well for two weeks, until the barrage of negativity, most of it - but not all of it - coming from my psycho ex girlfriend, undid all my progress. So that's unfortunate.
In the meantime I'm working on the physical aspects of my sexual prowess - personal physical fitness, as well as a visit to an endocrinologist to check-up my hormones and stuff after getting a prolactin bomb due to that shitty medication they put me on (risoperidol. If they offer you risoperidol and you value your sex life, ask them to give you an alternative medication; there's plenty that work the same way but without its sexual side-effects), hoping to maybe get put on testosterone replacement therapy to get my youtful mojo back, and to lose weight faster. We'll see how it goes, the first consultation is tomorrow. Because my libido is back and everything works from beginning-to-end, so to speak, but it's nothing like it was before the medication.
"A man who is doing his True Will has the inertia of the Universe to assist him." - A. Crowley