The results I’m getting are incredible. I just want to express my gratitude to Shannon. I still have a ways to go, but the results are becoming increasingly apparent and harder to brush off. I still have ups and downs and doubts. I also have amazing highs. I took a look at the product page for E6 and noticed most if not all of the bullet points. Edit: want to clarify that “all of the bullet points” doesn’t mean I’m 100% done, but that I notice the process within me and progress being made at various levels.
I’m having great results for so little time put in. I attribute this to my extensive sub history that has mostly focused on inner growth as well as OGSF2 specifically and of course the power of E6 itself.
E6 is painful but also enjoyable. So far my favorite subliminal. Anyone reading this considering E6, do it. Anyone using E6 and not getting the results they want, keep going. Trust the process. It takes time.
Edit: just something that I randomly remembered. Theres this desire to achieve mastery for its own sake. To become a beautiful person. I noticed this on OGSF2 as well. Noticed some of this today where I released toxic desires and instead “surrendered” to a higher sense of being. Like there was an earnest sense that I don’t care if it’s hard, I just want to be the person I want to be even if there’s no reward. I cried multiple times and felt a sense of exaltation.
I’m not perfect with it, but it seems to be something coming up more and more. I suspect there will be a time when I am that person. For now I will keep going and accept where I’m at.
I’m having great results for so little time put in. I attribute this to my extensive sub history that has mostly focused on inner growth as well as OGSF2 specifically and of course the power of E6 itself.
E6 is painful but also enjoyable. So far my favorite subliminal. Anyone reading this considering E6, do it. Anyone using E6 and not getting the results they want, keep going. Trust the process. It takes time.
Edit: just something that I randomly remembered. Theres this desire to achieve mastery for its own sake. To become a beautiful person. I noticed this on OGSF2 as well. Noticed some of this today where I released toxic desires and instead “surrendered” to a higher sense of being. Like there was an earnest sense that I don’t care if it’s hard, I just want to be the person I want to be even if there’s no reward. I cried multiple times and felt a sense of exaltation.
I’m not perfect with it, but it seems to be something coming up more and more. I suspect there will be a time when I am that person. For now I will keep going and accept where I’m at.