Quote:I think you going back to OGSF and using it according to the instructions is going to be good for you.
I think you've got some part(s) of your awareness that are influencing your results with muscle testing. I find that that happens to me a lot when I try to dowse with a pendulum, if I have my eyes open my conscious mind's thoughts and fears/desires may interfere. I get accurate answers when I use it with my eyes closed and keep my conscious mind focused on the question, not any of the possible answers.
Also, getting away from OGSF is something you had to know was sabotage. The more you dislike it, the more you have to know that's the parts of you that don't want to cooperate pushing you away.
AutoConfig will adjust the instructions to what you need most. You have to start from the instructions, though. It will never tell you to stop using the program; it's not designed for that. You make that choice on your own.
It seems using it on my phone at the described volume is doing more than expected. I had a thought last night that it's possible I got guided to use something else and have all the intensity from that so that finally I would use my phone to play it which I was really resisting doing. Especially since I hate my new phone so much and usually want to throw it out the window.

But sadly at the same time despite noticing more from the proper usage pattern this sabotage is coming up strongly, for a long time this morning in bed I was fighting against it going back and forth because if I just relax and give into it then it just does it's thing and ruins the programming, this also happens when i'm too tired or out of it to consciously stop it happening. I was thinking to my earlier subliminals I used and how I just seemed to get the results, which was before the dodgy hypnosis sessions that I believe caused this sabotage. And I was also thinking that if it wasn't for that the results I would have got from the latest programs would have been much, much more. This 'thing' even seeps into other practices like Qigong and such when I feel a new energy or a deeper state and comes up to get rid of it.
Each hypnotist I had sessions with or emailed mostly said the same old shit, basically ignoring this specific thing and dealing with my limiting programming around the areas I want to work on.. then each time this thing derailed all of that and they were wrong again, only one seemed to try to work on the specific sabotage thing and helped a little but not a huge amount.
Well it's weird, those feelings were so convincing like it was this deeper part of me guiding me to the other thing. I can't say i've had resistance in this way before, or maybe I just wasn't aware of it until now.
I didn't see the stopping the program as autoconfig, I know that's just guiding me to different usage. But what was happening in my mind at that time was incredibly convincing.
But "the more you dislike it, the more you have to know that's the parts of oyu that don't want to cooperate pushing you away". Yep, it's funny I can instantly point this out in others but it's still convincing with myself, this time even more so than anything I remember using in the past.