03-06-2023, 09:53 PM
Today was quite a day, i remembered the fear i felt as a kid for going to the medic, then everything normal until some annoying people came to me for something work related but that shit was supposed to be done a week ago and now they throw it to me, i got pissed and treated them like shit, something i didn't do because of guilt and shame for exposing my anger but it got out natural with all my anger, then i just sent them to hell and not seeing them again, what a relief.
Next someone approached me for another work related stuff and i just felt happy, unlike the previous ones this time it went fine, but being noticed truly made me happy, for an invisible guy who is never noticed, the feeling was something i forgot long ago, now i'm starting to understand how it affects my life when i have it (being noticed) and how can change when i notice both myself and the environment.
Next someone approached me for another work related stuff and i just felt happy, unlike the previous ones this time it went fine, but being noticed truly made me happy, for an invisible guy who is never noticed, the feeling was something i forgot long ago, now i'm starting to understand how it affects my life when i have it (being noticed) and how can change when i notice both myself and the environment.