02-20-2023, 01:43 PM
Hey @Shadow2200, first of all, I wanna thank you for contributing your journal about X4A and the discipline you kept until the beginning of February. Are you still running it or what happened, if I may ask? I read all your posts and currently evaluating the option of buying it myself since DMSI didn't do for me what it's supposed to. Anyways, one question arises, since you gained so much more attention from chicks (with BFs mostly) why didn't you ever take action and took things forward? I mean, it's a morally noble thing not to enforce things while she seems to be "taken", I get it. But then again, this could also be used as an excuse not to take it any further. I mean, have you ever spotted a hot chick totally by herself? You never know the story behind the kind of "relationship" she might or might not be in. And after all, it's her own will to give you signs, so be it. It would have been really interesting to see what would happen if you approached her after the aura is firing so obviously. As much as I understand the sub has not been designed to get her making moves on you, unlike DMSI. Let me know your thoughts, thanks!