Since I'm equipped with a rather stubborn subconscious which appears to be having an easy time deflecting a lot of the statements in BASE and MSS, I will try to do "Exposure Experimentation" outlined by Shannon in this thread
I will take tonight off from both subs, and then I will begin the pattern of "2 days on / 1 day off" with 6 hours/day exposure for each sub for a month. I will try to use ear buds all the way to maximize the effect, and my track of choice is ultrasonic version.
If I get enhanced effect I will report it here on the day I feel that boost, if not then there is nothing to report really, lol, I'll just summarize after a month.
So let the experiment begins!
I will take tonight off from both subs, and then I will begin the pattern of "2 days on / 1 day off" with 6 hours/day exposure for each sub for a month. I will try to use ear buds all the way to maximize the effect, and my track of choice is ultrasonic version.
If I get enhanced effect I will report it here on the day I feel that boost, if not then there is nothing to report really, lol, I'll just summarize after a month.
So let the experiment begins!

- If you let go a little, you will have a little peace. If you let go a lot, you will have a lot of peace. If you let go completely, you will know complete peace and freedom
- F.O.C.U.S = Follow.One.Course.Until.Success
- F.O.C.U.S = Follow.One.Course.Until.Success